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PennPAC Bay Area Nonprofit Application
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Organization Name *
Website *
Full Address (street, city, zip) *
Executive Director Name (First, Last) *
Email *
How long has the ED been in the role/at the organization? *
Please provide a short bio of the Executive Director.
Person Completing Application
 (if not ED)
Name (First, Last)
Organization Information
What is the organization's mission statement? *
When was the organization founded? *
Please describe your key programs and activities. *
How many beneficiaries do you serve each year? *
Does the organization have 501(c)(3) status? *
What year did you receive this status?
What is the organization’s forecasted annual budget for this year? Last year’s actual budget amount? *
What are the organization's primary sources of funding? *
Number of full time employees *
Number of part-time employees
Number of full time volunteers
Number of part-time volunteers
Project Definition
Which session(s) are you interested in? *
Very generally, what are your organization's greatest challenges? (may or may not be related to proposed project) *
What assistance are you looking for from PennPAC?  What questions or issues would you like the team to address? Describe the proposed project in as much detail as possible. *
What results and benefits do you expect from this project?  Do you have a specific “deliverable” or “end product” in mind?  Please be as specific and detailed as possible. *
How would this project link to your strategic priorities? *
Has your organization tried to tackle this project in the past?  If no, why not?  If yes, what were the challenges? *
What types of data and information do you foresee as being needed to accomplish this project?  Can your team provide it or would the PennPAC team be responsible for sourcing? *
Do you feel that the project can be accomplished within an 8-10 week time frame by a group of 6 volunteer-consultants each working 3-5 hours/week? *
Our volunteer-consultants are often busy professionals who cannot meet during business hours.  Can you and your staff meet during weeknight evenings for three client/consulting team meetings?  (usually from 6-8pm) *
If/when it is safe/appropriate to meet in person, does your organization have meeting space with projection and IT capabilities that will accommodate your team plus up to 8 PennPAC members? (This is not a requirement but it is helpful.) *
Staff Involvement
PennPAC requires the involvement of your nonprofit’s relevant senior staff members.  Who on your staff would be responsible for championing this project? *
Who else in your organization would be involved in this effort?
What will be the level of your Board’s involvement in defining, approving and participating in this project? *
List Individual Board members (s) to be involved, please name and include roles/focuses.
Do you have any Penn graduates on your staff or board?  If so, please list their names here.
How did you hear about PennPAC? *
Please specify if applicable
We ask our clients to consider an engagement fee of $1000 to cover operational overhead such as marketing and legal expenses.  We are a 501c3 and our project team members do not receive compensation. Is this something your organization is willing and able to consider? We are happy to discuss. *
Other comments or information that would help us understand and evaluate this project
PennPAC Bay Area is a program of PennPAC, Inc.  While PennPAC volunteers are alumni of the University of Pennsylvania, PennPAC, Inc. is a separately incorporated 501(c)3 non-profit organization, not controlled in any way by the University of Pennsylvania.  PennPAC Bay Area is managed separately from PennPAC, Inc. *
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