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Are you a new or existing customer? *
Which items in the household cleansers category would you like to order?
180 ml
650 ml
2 ltr
5 ltr
More than 10 ltr
Floor cleaner (Rs. 160/650 ml)
Laundry Liquid (Rs. 160/650 ml)
Baby clothes cleaner (Rs. 160/650 ml)
Cloth stain remover/ Cuffs & collars (Rs. 125/180 ml)
Tough stain remover (tiles & surface) (Rs. 125/180ml)
Curtain/Mattress spray on (Rs. 125/180ml)
Toy cleaner (Rs. 125/180 ml)
Vegetable & Fruit Wash (Rs. 125/180 ml)
Which item(s) in the personal care category would you like to order?
20 ml/gms
50 ml/gms
100 ml/gms
150 ml/gms
350 ml/gms
500 ml/gms
Forget ur worries foot/Bath Soak (Rs. 75 /150 gms)
Rapunzel Hair Oil (Rs.100/150 ml)
Un-Tangled Hair pack/Mask (Rs. 50/50 gms)
Pick me up orange & coffee scrub (Rs. 60/100 gms)
U'll forget the summers facial toner (Rs. 300/100 ml)
Peachy face & body lotion (Rs. 125/50 gms)
Always 18 anti-aging cream (Rs. 100/20 gms)
Pakeezah Foot Salve (Rs. 100/20 gms)
Summery lip balm (Rs. 50/20 gms)
Soft cocoa lip stain/color ( Rs. 80/20 gms)
Smell great minty perfume (Rs. 150/20 gms)
Woods & ash perfume (Rs. 150/20 gms)
Mirror, mirror on the wall face pack (Rs. 50/50 gms)
Himalayan activated charcoal (walnut & apricot) (Rs. 50/20 gms)
Kya aapke toothpaste mein charcoal hai? Cleansing tooth powder (Rs. 50/50 gms)
Which item(s) in the edibles (all organic) would you like to order?
25 gms
50 gms
100 gms
200 gms
350 gms
Flowers & herbs organic black tea (Rs 200/100 gm)
Organic Lemongrass green tea (Rs 150/100 gm)
Soothing spices tea blend (without tea leaves) ( Rs. 60/100 gm)
Flowers & herbs organic tea blend (without tea leaves) (Rs. 250/100 gm)
Sun dried Oyster mushrooms (protein + Vit D) (Rs. 100/50 gm)
Sun dried herbs, garlic & chilli seasoning (for salads, pasta & pizzas) (Rs. 200/100 gms)
Sun dried Oregano (Rs 150/100 gm)
Sun dried Lemongrass (Rs 150/100 gm)
Healthy trail mix (with nuts & dried fruits) (Rs. 100/100 gm)
Cocoa honey fudge (Rs. 215/100 ml)
Which Bird Peck products(food category) would you like to order ?
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