The H2020 SLALOM project is a CSA aiming to provide a model specification for Cloud service contracts, including a proposed standardized way of describing the guaranteed metrics, in collaboration with ISO IEC-JTC1-SC38-WG3. FP7 COSMOS project collaborates in this effort for providing an IoT-based view to the process. Service Level Agreements are the means through which a provider may guarantee to their customers specific QoS features of the provided service. The purpose of this form is to investigate aspects of Cloud (or in general service oriented) SLA metrics that would be more appropriate for the IoT domain. Therefore we include an initial list of such services and potential metrics, but feel free to extend them with your own proposed ones through the relevant fields. The final usage of the input received will be to select a number of these metrics (the ones with the highest scores) or the newly proposed ones for which we will create template metric descriptions following the current draft of the ISO 19086-2 standard on the SLA metrics model. This way we will be able to guarantee that the proposed structure can also be applied in the IoT domain and based on its specific requirements and use cases, or if this is not the case, to provide recommendations for improvements.
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For which types of services/features could SLAs be most applicable for, in the IoT context:
(more than one can be selected)
Do you think that guaranteeing Quality of Service (as is defined per service case) would be applicable to IoT services?
Clear selection
For the sensing services, what types of metrics would be valid?
(more than one can be selected)
For the data delivery services, what type of metrics would be valid/interesting?
(more than one can be selected)
For Complex Event Processing services, what type of metrics would be valid/interesting?
(more than one can be selected, for example reaction time could be linked with size of rule)
For the intelligence services, what type of metrics would be valid/interesting?
(more than one can be selected)
For Data Encryption services, what type of metrics/capabilities would be valid/interesting?
(more than one can be selected)
For Data Privacy services (potential add-ons on top of Data Delivery services), what type of metrics would be valid/interesting?
(more than one can be selected)
What other types of services could be offered with SLAs
(Free text)
What metrics should be offered for the previous question?
Free text. Feel free to add definitions, formulas etc.
Do you consider that creating standardized, machine understandable descriptions would be beneficial for comparison of these services?
Clear selection
If you want to be informed of next steps and actions, fill your project name and/or contact details (e.g. mail) below
If you are supporting a related SLA at the moment, would you be interested to transform/evaluate your current SLA in the form proposed by SLALOM/ISO?
(in case of Yes, you need to have recorded your email in the previous question)
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