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Register for Proteus® Training/Certification/Recertification
If you are certifying for the first time, you must attend a training session and complete the certification test.

If you are recertifying, due to new enhancements to the Proteus® system, it is recommended you attend the training session.

If you just want to learn about the new enhancements to the Proteus® system, you can attend the training session only.

Zoom meeting links are sent out 10 business days before the class date, and up to the Friday before  depending on when you register. Check you Trash/Junk folders as GOOGLE forms work differently on different email servers. If you do not receive this meeting invite, please contact Ronald Hahn at

Please ensure correct spelling of email address as it is used to send out the meeting invite.

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Email *
First Name *
Last name *
Contact Telephone Number - ########## (No Dashes) *
Company Name *
I am registering today... *
Choose A Date From Our Schedule Of Future Online Training Sessions Approximately 2 and 1/2 hours.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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