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New Bedford Clemente Course in the Humanities SPRING 2025
Classes will be in-person at 32 Madison Street
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Class enrollment is limited. Will you be available Tuesday and Thursday nights 5:30-8:30 pm? Classes begin Tuesday 1/28 and meet most Thursdays and four Tuesdays (18 classes total). Classes end for the spring term on 5/6/2025. *
Why do you want to take the Clemente Course in the Humanities? *
Do you have a computer with audio and video/camera capabilities? *
Race/Ethnicity *
First name *
Last name *
Age *
Address *
Address, continued
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email address *
Phone number you will use for your interview? *
Years of education *
How did you find out about Clemente? *
Total monthly household income (approximately) *
Total number of people in your household? *
Do you have a printer so you can print PDF documents? These will include: readings, assignments, the syllabus, etc. *
Do you have internet access that will allow you to attend class virtually using Zoom? *
Are you comfortable using email to receive attachments (readings and assignments) and send attachments (homework)? Printed readings are REQUIRED for class discussions and close reading. *
Will you be able to access a Google Doc with our course materials? Gmail account required. *
Are you fully vaccinated or will you be fully vaccinated by the time classes start (September 2023)? NOTE: All students must be fully vaccinated to enroll. *
Will you require transportation to Pace Headstart at 28 Madison Street in New Bedford (transport available for New Bedford residents only)? *
Will you need childcare? If yes, please list the names and ages of children requiring care. Also list vaccination status and plans to vaccinate if applicable. *
Please type your response to the John Lewis reading, below. What did you think of the article? What do you think the author was trying to say?  You can find the reading here:  *
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