USITT Scenic Design Compendium Project Proposal Form
Submit projects for the upcoming edition of the second volume of Projects for Teaching Scene Design:  A Compendium by completing this form.  

In the spirit of the first volume (first published in 2006), the “projects in the book are intended to assist design educators by actively engaging their students in a variety of hands-on exercises:  to get the creative juices flowing, affirm intuitive impulses, encourage “thinking outside the box,” or teach the basic skills and principles of design.  Like a cook with a new recipe, instructors are encouraged to adapt or modify the instructions to make them more effective or suitable to their needs.” (Karel Blakely)  

Submissions will be selected based on clear outcomes or learning objectives, its uniqueness, or the new twist on an old-favorite.  There will also be a section of old favorites from the first volume and a makeover section of how those projects from the first volume have grown and morphed over the years to meet the changing needs of the students.  
The intention is the final product will be available both as a hardcopy in a three-ring binder at the USITT Bookstore at the 2016 conference as well as a print on demand/downloadable option throughout the year.  Ideally, there would be photos included of examples as necessary.

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Name of Instructor *
Email Address *
Office Phone
Cell or Home Phone *
USITT Member Number *
Provide a title for your project with your member number *
Example:  Flying bats 44221
Target Class *
Level (intro, beginner, advanced, undergraduate, or graduate)
Time (Prep Time/Working Time for Students) *
Is it an in-class activity or a longer project?
Please Provide a Proposal Abstract Document 1000 words or less *
You can email a .doc or .docx form to OR copy/paste the information below.  
Learning Outcomes *
Required Materials *
Space, materials, time, etc.
Procedure *
Grading *
Additional Comments or Explanation
Please submit up to 3 photos (300DPI) to with your project title in the subject line
Is this project based on a project from Volume 1? *
If it is based on a project from Volume 1, which one and how did you modify it?
Do you have a favorite project from Volume 1 that you would like to have included in Volume 2?  If so, please list:
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