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Survey: Friends of the Springfield Public Library
The Board of Directors for the Friends of the Springfield Public Library is interested in your recommendations and input. Please fill out and submit this survey to help us support the library. You can also share ideas by email at Thank you for your participation! We look forward to hearing from you.
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Are you a member of the Friends of the Springfield Public Library?
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If yes, how long have you been a member?
What is your age?
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The Friends support the Library by holding an annual Book Sale. Have you attended our annual Book Sale?
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Please share any suggestions you have about our Book Sale.
Do you currently volunteer with the Friends of the Springfield Public Library?
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If not, would you be interested in volunteering? Please check any that interest you.
The Friends occasionally sponsor events. Please check those events you would be interested in attending in the future.
Do you receive the Friends of the Springfield Public Library newsletter?
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Please share any suggestions you have on our newsletter.
If you would like to support your library by volunteering, please provide your name, email address and phone number.
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Thank you for filling out this survey. Please leave any additional comments. We appreciate your support.
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