Flippaball Year 2-11 Season 2023-24 Expression Of Interest Form (New Players Only)
Dear School Year 2-11 Parents,

This google form is for the EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ONLY for all NEW PLAYERS for FlippaBall Year 2-11 Season 2023-24 which will be available on the Club Website on 1st July 2023.

By filling in this form, this is NOT a confirmation of a place in the program.


The deadline for this form is SUNDAY 13th August 2023. Any new EOI's after this date may be ignored.

A new form will be required to be filled in for EACH child. The date/time stamp of this form will not have any bearing on whether your child secures a place in the program.

Before filling in this form, you must ensure your child/ren meet the minimum requirement of Level 7 VacSwim level (including breaststroke kick) AT THE TIME of registration. The Club reserves the right to remove children from the program if this minimum requirement has not met and does so for the safety of the participants. Please contact your swim school to confirm your child’s swimming capability and level.

Siblings of registered FlippaBall Program Players in Season 2023-24 will be offered PRIORITY REGISTRATIONS, however there is no guarantee that a place can be secured as this depends on availabilities in each age group. Please fill in this form if you fit within this category. Further communication to applicable parents will occur. Please watch your emails.

This form is only for children in the school year, YEAR 2-11 in 2023. Any incorrect age group responses will be ignored. Children MUST play in their correct age group which is deemed to be their School Year in 2023.

Please only fill this form in once.

Filling in this form DOES NOT SECURE A PLACE IN THE PROGRAM FOR YOUR CHILD and will be used to add prospective parents to a communication list for registration information with regards to the Year 2-11 FlippaBall Program in Season 2023-24. Please DO NOT email the club with registration requests as these will be ignored.

The information on this list will be used to communicate the procedures for registering children in the Year 2-11 Flippaball Program for the Season 2023-24. Please fill in all responses correctly and watch your mailbox for any Club Communication (including junk mail folders)

The MWPC FlippaBall Registration Team suggests that the parent who will be organising the online registrations include their details on this list so that they receive the information.

Please ensure that you have read Club's terms and conditions and the MPWC Season 2023-24 FlippaBall Information Pack which can be found on the Club Website.


MPWC FlippaBall Program Registration Volunteer Team.



1. New Places in the year groups 4-11 in 2023 are limited and are available on an-hoc basis, certain year groups have more availability than others and places may become available right up until the start of the season mid-October 2023.

2.The Club aims to accommodate as many children has possible into the FlippaBall Program however the demand for certain age groups can be high in some seasons. Certain year groups will have more availability than others. Participant numbers in each School Year are capped for the safety and to ensure the integrity of the FlippaBall competition.

3. Children can either play Friday Night Flippaball or Saturday Junior Competition for years 5 & 6. Years 7-11 play on Saturdays in the Saturday Junior Competition. Players with experience playing water polo for years 5 & 6 are encouraged to enter the Saturday Junior Competition.

4. Please be aware that the Saturday Junior Competition teams have less players to accommodate more game play along with larger pool sizes to reflect the ability of children as they move through the FlippaBall Program. As such, there is a cap on the number of participants in the pool for each game.

5. Those selected for the WAPI Junior competition are ineligible to play FlippaBall.


Registrations to players in years 2-3 that are not returning players from season 2023-24 or are not a sibling of a returning or existing player in the current season, will have an opportunity to book a place in the program when bookings open to new members in August 2023. Please fill in this EOI so that you can obtain further communication as to the process to secure your child's booking for season 2023-24.


6. Priority registrations will be given to siblings of existing players in the FlippaBall Program Season 2023-24 and children of Senior Playing Members or Club Committee Members.

7. Parents or children with siblings that have played FlippaBall in 2022-23 or children of Senior Playing Members or Club Committee Members will be asked to fill in this google form to provide details of siblings and connection to the Club. Your child's details will be used to manually add your child into the Year 2-11 FlippaBall Program via your Active Carrot Account so please ensure all information is accurate. You will receive an automatic email confirmation once this has been performed including the deadline for payment. Information regarding the process will be communicated via email.

8. Priority places in the Year 2-11 programs will only be secured on payment of your Active Carrot Account. The deadline for payments will be communicated in your confirmation email and must be paid promptly so that the club can pass on all unsecured places to NEW PLAYERS as they arise. The Club will not chase up payment and it is up to the parent to confirm their acceptance of a place by making prompt payment.

9. Please do not email the club if you have yet to obtain your email confirmation prior to 31 August 2023. Please ensure all junk email addresses and junk mail folders are checked.


10. MPWC will ask prospective Year 2-11 player parents to fill in a google form to obtain a list of prospective parents to which the Club will communicate the registration process.

11. Parents who have filled in the google form will be communicated the process for the registration of Year 2-11 NEW PLAYER participants via email.

12. Priority registrations will be given to siblings of existing players in the FlippaBall Program Season 2023-24 and children of Senior Playing Members or Club Committee Members.


13. Spots may become available right up until first game of season and during the season. The FlippaBall Registration Volunteer team will contact parents as appropriate using the information in this form if and when places become available.

14. The Club reserves the right to cap the number of players within an age group/team for safety purposes along with final say in gender distribution within teams.  

15. KidSport Vouchers must be received prior to registering so that an adjustment can be made on your account. Please ensure all KidSport Voucher approval confirms with voucher codes are forwarded in a timely manner to accounts@melvillewaterpolo.com.au.

16. The Club kindly asks NEW and EXISTING PLAYER parents to refrain from confirming to children/and other parents, that children have a place or have been placed in a team.

17. Once places are all filled and payment received, children will be placed in an appropriate team and team managers/coaches will be organised. Team Allocations are organised AFTER registrations. All Team Allocation requests will be ignored until registrations are completed. Due to limited places available in the competition across different teams, it is most likely our child may be placed in a team by the Club. Please manage your child's expectations regarding team placement.

18. Players cannot be placed in teams unless registered and fully paid.

19. The Club reserves the right to place children in a team as appropriate and has final say in the distribution of children within teams. This is to ensure the integrity of the competition through gender distribution, ability and also safety. Please explain to your child that they may be placed in a team other than their chosen team and to ensure that they are happy with this before proceeding with registration and payment.

20. Please familiarise yourself with the Club's Terms & Conditions on the Club Website, melvillewaterpolo.com.au before filling in this form, registering and paying.  

****Please note Year 2-11 Season 2023-24 FlippaBall Program spots are limited and can be quickly filled by existing Club Members/FlippaBall Program participant siblings.

 The Club endeavours to allocate as many places as possible within the year groups Year 2-11. Children can experience the great game of Water Polo through the Club's Holiday & PoloSwim Programs which can be attended by any child whether they are playing in the FlippaBall Program or not (children must have a minimum level 7 Dept of Education VacSwim program)

MPWC FlippaBall Program Volunteer Registration Team.

Do you acknowledge that by filling in this form, you are expressing your child's interest in playing Year 2-11 Flippaball in season 2023-24 and that by filling in this form, you are not necessarily guaranteed a place in the program. Do you also acknowledge that you have read the above information. *
Has your child trialled for the WAPI Junior Program for Season 2023-24? *
Did your child compete in the WAPI Junior Program for Season 2022-23 *
Has your child participated in any school water polo competitions? If applicable, please provide details. *
Your answer
Child Participant FIRST NAME *
First name
Your answer
Child Participant SURNAME *
Your answer
Child Participant GENDER *
Child Participant Date Of Birth *
School Child is attending in 2023 *
Your answer
RESPONSIBLE PARENT / GUARDIAN FIRST NAME [parent responsible for online registration] *
First name
Your answer
RESPONSIBLE PARENT / GUARDIAN SURNAME [parent responsible for online registration] *
Your answer
RESPONSIBLE PARENT / GUARDIAN Email (This email address will be used to communicate booking/payment confirmations along with general club communication) *
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
First and last name
Your answer
Relationship of EMERGENCY CONTACT to CHILD *
Your answer
Your answer
If an EXISTING MEMBER, what is your RESPONSIBLE PERSON ID Number? (Active Carrot Account ID)
Your answer
Is the child a sibling of a returning player in the FlippaBall 2022-23 Season (Registered in Season 2023-24) If so, what is their name/s, and year/age group playing, team name?  
Your answer
Is the child a child of a parent who is a registered senior player in 2023-24? Is so, please provide details of member name and team playing.
Your answer
What is the level of swimming standard of your child? Please note the minimum level of swimming competency for entry into the FlippaBall Program is Level 7 Dept of Education Vac-Swim Program and this level must have been met at time of registration. Please provide details regarding the program level and organisation the child has COMPLETED the level under (Kirby Swim School, State Swim, VacSwim etc). The Club will verify this with parents. *
Your answer
Does your child have a life threatening or medical condition? If so, please provide details below. The Club will be in contact if required.
Your answer
Has the YEAR 2-11 child participated in a MPWC Holiday Program or PoloSwim Term of swimming (Tick what is applicable) *
Are you happy for the Club to add your Responsible Person Email address to our subscribed communication list? *
Would you be willing to be a Team Manager / Co-ordinator in Season 2023-24 if your child does secure a place in the Program? *
Do you have any experience in Water Polo and would you be able to help with coaching a team if your child secures a place in the program? *
If places in the Year 2-11 Flippaball Program are fully filled, and your child did not secure a place in the program, are you happy for us to contact you if a place becomes available up until the first competition game and once the competition has started. *
Are you aware of the KidSport Voucher Program and the availability of funding via vouchers for MPWC FlippaBall Programs fees for 2023. Subject to terms and conditions. For more information, please go to  https://kidsport.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/kidsport/apply-for-kidsport-2019-1 (Please note, that Kidsport vouchers will only be applied once your child as secured a place in the FlippaBall program, however they can also be used for the Club's Term Time Poloswim Programs)
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer within the MPWC? Please provide details with skills and areas of interest with regards to volunteering.
Your answer
Do you have a business or are you employed by a company that would be interested in providing sponsorship to the FlippaBall Program at the Melville Water Polo Club. If so, please provide details below. The Club will be in contact.
Your answer
Is your child a left-handed player? *
Has your child had experience as a goal keeper? (Year 5 and older) *
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