WORTHY Summer Leadership Summit 2013
We will spend one day (August 17th) eating together (breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided), learning and discussing the wisdom of Brad Lomenick's "The Catalyst Leader" and what the Bible says about leadership, and end the night in a time of worship.

This event is open to any woman high school age and up who is interested in growing as a leader, potentially joining the WORTHY team, or just wants to spend a day in awesome fellowship! Please plan to bring $5 to cover food :)
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How did you hear about the Summer Leadership Summit?
Are you interested in learning more about joining the Worthy team?
(intern, event speaker, staff member, etc)
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please provide your e-mail address so that we can send you the 'next step' materials you need to start your Worthy journey!
If you answered "No" to the question above, simply put NA and move on to the next question!
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(check all that apply)
Do you have any food allergies? Please list all that apply
Are you in need of transportation to and/or from the Summer Leadership Summit? *
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