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Land Purchase
Land Purchases - payable via paypal only.
Please complete this form and then go to the kiosk on the Welcome Region to pay for your land order.
Copy and paste the hop information below to your world map and teleport.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What size land do you wish to purchase? ( select one) *
What is your Avatar full Name? *
What is your Discord ID?  Our Discord channel is always live and is where requests for help are dealt with in a timely fashion. Your discord ID is ( name number.) ie: joeblow#1234 
Please provide your paypal address so we know who is sending payment. *
What name would you like for your region?
Do you have an inworld partner? *
If yes, will you or the partner be the official registered owner?  *
We can try to give you special coordinates on the map if they are available and if you request them.  
What coordinates would you like to have?
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