YW Scholarship Fund Application Form
The Big Picture:

The YW Scholarship Fund aims to foster an intergenerational connection between young men and middle-aged/elder warrior brothers and women in the form of support through monetary giving.

The Fund specifically focuses on supporting young men (ages 18–35) who are ready to step into the next stage of their leadership within an MKP context.

Trainings that qualify for scholarship support include, but are not limited to:

-staffing an NWTA (traditional or specialized gateway)

-receiving next-level training offered through MKP USA (e.g., LT-1,LT-2, LT-3, ST-1 or ST-2 training)

- attending other MKP events that further the mission of this Fund.

The Fund's benefactors are individuals of all ages and especially middle-aged/elder men and women who make individual contributions in service of supporting the development of younger generations through these types of meaningful, personal-growth trainings.

The Specifics:

Financial gifts awarded through the Fund go towards offsetting a portion of the training fee.

NOTE: Scholarship monies cannot be used for purposes of reimbursing travel and/or lodging expenses associated with the training. If awarded scholarship support, your financial gift will be furnished directly upon the Center or the entity responsible for hosting the qualified event.

In addition to filling out the form below, please submit a written personal reflection or video in which you share a little about yourself, why this work is important to you, and what the gift money, if awarded, would go towards. Please see the next page for more details and instructions for the submission.  

Funding decisions will be made within two weeks from the time of application submission. If you require an expedited decision, please e-mail: YWscholarshipfund@gmail.com and include why an expedited decision is needed.

To help support the YW Scholarship Fund, please click on the following URL and follow the simple donation instructions: https://supportmkpusa.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=61 

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Where do you live?
If you have already attended the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA), please enter the name of your home MKP community as well.
What is your age?
When and where were you initiated?
For men who have already attended an NWTA.
What type of training are you applying for?
Clear selection
What is the date of training?
What is the location of the training?
Where will you be traveling from en route to the training?
If location is different than from where you live.
What is the cost of the training fee?
This excludes cost of transportation and other personal expenses required to attend the weekend.
What other costs are you incurring in association with attending this event (travel, room & board, etc.)?
How much financial assistance are you requesting?
How much money are you personally contributing?
Who else have you asked for financial assistance and how much have you received?
Is there any other information we should know about you or this particular request?
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