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KCS Portrait of a Graduate Community Survey
Kenton City School District is creating a "Portrait of a Graduate" --  a document that describes our community's aspirations and expectations for every student as they complete high school.

We are gathering input through this survey from all community stakeholders, including taxpayers, local employers, KCS employees, families of Kenton students/graduates, KHS alumni, and even our current students, as part of this process.

Thank you in advance for participating by completing the survey below.

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Tell about your role(s) in the Community. (Check all that apply).
Think about your personal career or life experience. Which of these skills has been most important to you?
Which of these skills, in your opinion, are most critical for Kenton students to learn?
Think about young people you know. Among these skills, which are MOST OFTEN demonstrated by them?
Which important skills are LEAST OFTEN demonstrated by the young people you know?
Please review Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids. These are the core components of the Leader in Me curriculum which is a district-wide initiative used in all buildings.
Think about young people you know.  Among these Leader in Me - 7 Habits of High Effective Kids, which are MOST OFTEN demonstrated by them?
Among these Leader in Me 7 Habits, which are LEAST OFTEN demonstrated by young people you know?
Please review our district initiative the Culture Playbook.
Think about young people you know.  Among these Culture Playbook characteristics, which are MOST OFTEN demonstrated by them?  
Among these Culture Playbook characteristics, which are LEAST OFTEN demonstrated by young people you know?
What other skills or qualities should be part of our Portrait of a Graduate? And why do you think so?
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