Online Test: The Background Reading - Renaissance Literature
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1. Which of the following years are known as The Age of Elizabeth?
1 point
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2. Who is the writer of following lines for the rising England under the reigns of Queen Elizabeth?
"A Noble and puissant nation, rousing herself, like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks"
1 point
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3. Which of the following social conditions helped in creating conducing environment for the literary output in the age of Elizabeth?
Mark all that are correct.
1 point
4. Which of the following statements about the age of Elizabeth is TRUE?
1 point
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5. Which of the following marked the Age of Elizabeth?
Mark all correct option/s
1 point
6. Match the writer with the years of their birth and death:
5 points
1552 - 1599
1564 - 1593
1564 - 1616
1573 - 1637
1561 - 1626
Francis Bacon
Edmund Spenser
Christopher Marlowe
Ben Jonson
William Shakespeare
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7. match the following with the appropriate counterpart:
3 points
First English tragedy, written by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton
A domestic comedy, written by William Stevenson
First true play in English, written by Nicholas Udall
Grammar Gurton's Needle (# 1562)
Ralph Royster Doyster (#1556)
Gorboduc (1562)
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8. Match with the appropriate characteristics of the Plays during the Development of the Drama in the Elizabethan Age
3 points
medieval dramatic form dealing with religious subjects such as Biblical stories or saints' lives, usually presented in a series or cycle by the craft guilds.
a medieval dramatic form based on a Biblical story, usually dealing with the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
A drama in the 15th and 16th centuries using allegorical characters (Life, Death, Repentence, Goodness, Love, Greed, Deadly Sins) to portray the soul's struggle to achieve salvation. Something viewed as exhibiting a struggle between good and evil and offering a moral lesson.
Miracle Play
Mystery Play
Morality Play
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9. During the Development Phase, two schools of Drama were found struggling to master the English drama - The University Wits and the Popular Playwrights. Which of the following sentence/s is/are TRUE in this regard:
Mark all correct option/s
2 points
10. Match the playwrights with the play penned by them:
6 points
The Jew of Malta
The Merchant of Venice
The Alchemist
Women Beware Women
A Woman killed with Kindness
The Duchess of Malfi
Thomas Heywood
Thomas Middleton
Ben Jonson
John Webster
William Shakespeare
Christopher Marlowe
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11. Among the translators of the Elizabethan Age Sir Thomas North (1535 - 1601) is most deserving of notice because . . . . . .
1 point
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12. Match the person with the profession, they are best know for:
4 points
Francis Bacon
William Camden
Richard Hakluyt
Thomas North
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13. Who is known as 'the poets' poet'?
1 point
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14. Which of the following are the characteristics of Spenser's poetry?
Tick mark all correct options
3 points
15. The last ruler of the Tudor Dynasty was  ------------
1 point
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16. The first ruler of the Stuart Dynasty was __________________ .
1 point
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17. The period of English history during the reign of James - I is known as _______ .
1 point
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18. The supporters of Charles - I in the Civil War were known as ________ .
1 point
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19. The supporters of the Parliament in the Civil war were known as _______ .
1 point
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20. _____ was first to introduce sonnet into England.
1 point
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21. _______ wrote his beautiful sonnets under the pen name of 'Astrophel', addressed to 'Stella'.
1 point
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22. The great Elizabethan who write the first systematic essay on literary criticism under the title 'Apologie for Poetry' or 'Defence of Poesie', was ______ .
1 point
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23. 'The Shepherd's Calender' was written by ___ .
1 point
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24. _____ was the classicist among the romantic writers of the Elizabethan Age.
1 point
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25. _________ defeated Charles - I in the Civil War and established Commonwealth - the rule of the Parliament in England during 1648 - 1660
1 point
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26. Match the items
3 points
Translation - King James Version of The Bible
Bacon's Advancement of Learning
Ben Jonson's Every Man in his Humour
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27. Match the play with following classification of Shakespeare's plays
3 points
As You Like It, Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, Midsummer Night's Dream
Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello
Julius Ceasar, Richard III, Henry IV, Antony and Cleopatra
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28. Match Vishal Bhardwaj's Hindi films with that of Shakespeare's tragedies
6 points
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29. Which Shakespearean adaptation is ranked as the best one this list ( ) ?
2 points
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30. Which two Hindi films are listed in this list of best twenty film adaptations of William Shakespeare's plays?
2 points
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31. Match Bollywood adaptations of Shakespeare :
4 points
The Taming of the Shrew
Romeo and Juliet
Mehboob’s Khan’s Aan(1952)
Raj Kapoor’s Bobby(1973):
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