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Application Form
The form below must be completed to submit your application for a fellowship at the Leigh Fermor House for the academic year 2024-2025. It is recommended that you read through the entire application and gather the required application materials before beginning your application. You will not be able to save or return to edit a partially-filled application. Only complete applications will be accepted for consideration and the application form must be completed in its entirety before it can be submitted. Once the Benaki Museum has received your application together with all the supporting material, which should be sent by email at, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you have provided in your application. Your referees may be contacted using the email addresses that you have provided for them.
Please make sure that you provide correct email addresses for you and all of your referees to ensure that messages from the Benaki Museum reach you safely.

For more information please email
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Personal Information
Title *
First (Given) Name *
Middle Name
Last (Family) Name *
Email *
Phone *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Country *
Highest Degree Information
Degree Type *
Year of completion
Thesis/Dissertation *
Discipline *
Institution *
Current Affiliation
Institution (if any)
Fellowship Period preference (please check) *
Have you applied or intend to apply for a scholarship to cover expenses during the Leigh Fermor House fellowship?
Personal Information of accompanying member
First (Given) Name
Last (Family) Name
Year of Birth
Please provide up to 2 referees. Those listed may be contacted either immediately upon submission of your admission or at a later stage.
Title & Name *
Email *
Institution *
Title & Name *
Email *
Institution *
Supporting material
Τhe following files must be sent by email to the address as pdf documents:
- cover sheet with title and summary (200 words) of proposed research project and a brief bio (one paragraph);
- research proposal (three pages; 1,000 words maximum), including description of project, timetable, explicit goals, and a rationale for why it should be pursued at the Leigh Fermor House;
- a standard, detailed curriculum vitae including a list of publications;
- two samples of recent work (in the original language).

All supporting material (except from the samples of recent work) must be submitted in either English or Greek.

PLEASE NOTE that all attachments to any email should have a maximum total size of 10 MB; files larger than 10 MB must be sent via WeTransfer or similar web-based services.

I hereby consent that my personal data will be used by the Benaki Museum for the review of my application regarding the fellowships programme at the Leigh Fermor House. *
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