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Developing our Soho Neighbourhood Plan has allowed the community to play a greater role in shaping Soho’s future by sharing ideas and building consensus about what needs to be done in the area. It will also give the community a say in how some of the funds generated by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) can be used by Westminster City Council to spend on local projects.                                                                                                    

CIL is a levy on development projects paid to the Council. The forum has the right to apply to WCC to say how 15% of the money generated in Soho should be spent and once our Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted that will increase to 25%.                                                                                                                                                            

To be eligible for CIL funding the projects we champion will need to address demands that development places on Soho. The CIL process is still a relatively new one and we are working with the Council through the process but the more direct input we have from our members the easier it will be to make the case for funding our local priority projects.

In the earlier stages of public consultation and in drawing up our draft Plan, a number of recommendations were put forward by members and the steering group which might benefit from CIL. Some new proposals have also come forward. These are listed below and the references in brackets are to the corresponding sections in our draft Plan which can be found here:

Not everything can be funded so please let us know your view, by ranking the three choices, that you feel are the most important ones to take further now to benefit Soho. Please only select your top 3, ranking in your order of priority using the check boxes below. We will use the survey results to take a snapshot analysis and will come back to you with the results.  

If you have your own idea for a scheme that could be eligible for CIL funding please also complete the text area of the survey form and include that in your list of priorities.

If you don’t want to receive e-mails on this issue please leave the email box blank.

The deadline for responses is 5.00 pm on 10th July 2020.

Thank you.
On behalf of the Soho Neighbourhood Forum Steering Group. May 2020

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Please rank the options below as your top three choices.
1. Find a permanent location for the Museum of Soho. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 2) (Please note that although this proposal was popular with members, WCC has commented that if it is set up as a private endeavour charging members of the public entry it would be unlikely to be accepted and that it is hard to link this project to growth in the area as required to be eligible).
2. Provide Air Quality Monitoring stations, one to be close to Soho Parish School. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 25). This might be a standalone project or could be part of a joint bid with other forums for West End wide air quality monitoring.
3. Install further electric vehicle charging stations across the area. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 27)
4. Resurface appropriate streets with high quality, robust, level shared surfaces. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 32)                  
5. Identify areas where pavements are wide enough for shared use as loading/unloading bays and remodel with shared surfaces. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 35)
6. Improve planting in the area, both in parks and by investigating potential new places for trees and climbing plants. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 37)
7. Review and update public realm and street lighting in side streets and passageways. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 41)              
8. Provide additional space for suitably designed on-street waste and recycling ‘smart bin’ storage containers to reduce bags of rubbish and cardboard left on the pavement – possibly by reducing on-street paid parking bays. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 52, 55 & 56)                                    
9. Set-up water bottle refill stations in key locations in Soho such as St Anne’s Churchyard, Soho Square Gardens, Golden Square Gardens, Ramillies Street/Place. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 58)
10. Provide a 7 days a week multi-use free to hire space for all ages who live, work and play in Soho run by volunteers promoting Soho grassroots culture. (WCC has commented that whilst they are supportive of this in principle it would be necessary to consider how the running costs of such a space could be managed in the long term).
11. Fund a Soho wide professional traffic study to propose ways to reduce congestion, promote efficient delivery/ collection systems and improve air quality. (WCC has recommended that if we intend to propose this we speak to Council highways officers on its suitability and whether there is scope to link it with other studies the Council is undertaking).
12. Provide better signage for Berwick Street market both on the street itself and in directions to it.
13. Adopt more legible London signage in the area. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 40)
14. Provide more cycle stands in the area, with the aim to increase the amount by 1/3. (Recommendations & Projects Document, no. 47)
Please add any other suggestions below.
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