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The GLOBE Academy 2023-2024                 Intent to Return Form
It is re-enrollment time for the 2023-2024 school year! Kindly inform us if your child(ren) will or will not be returning in August, 2023 by submitting this online form. We MUST receive your response by Friday, February 3, 2023. 

If you have an 8th grader, but plan to enter a sibling in the lottery, you must complete this form. 8th graders with no siblings entering into our lottery should not complete this form. 

*You are only required to submit information for the student(s) currently enrolled. Be sure to click the "next" tab after you have entered relevant data. (Ex. If you have only 1 child after submitting your responses scroll down and select "next" until you reach section 6.) Clicking the "next" tab will allow you to move forward, those sections are not required.

If your response changes from "Yes" to "No" between now and the start of the 2023-2024 school year, contact Saphiatou N'Jie, Admissions Director, as well as our Registrar, Tamiko Walker-Jones,

Having an accurate count for the school year allows us to plan and budget appropriately and it affords a prospective student from the lottery to have the opportunity to join our community.

If you have any questions about re-enrollment or enrollment of new siblings at GLOBE, please contact Saphiatou N'Jie at 404-464-7040, ext 221. 
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