Join us, and help get Jessica Finocchiaro, an honest and energetic leader elected as State Senator!
Thank you for choosing to make a direct impact in this race! This race is yours.  Jessica has pledged to be accountable to YOU by posting ALL of her votes online, so you don't need to be a political insider to know how she is serving you.  She's pledged to doorknock once every weekend while in office, so that she can really know how you and your family are doing and what you need.  People are used to politicians only talking to voters around campaign season, but Jessica wants you to have input into this race AND every vote she takes on your behalf.  

We can't elect an honest leader from our community September 9th without your help! No need to know anything about politics, just be willing to help out when you can!

-The Committee to Elect Jessica Finocchiaro
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