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Carrie Owerko 2023
Date: September 20-22 2024
Address:  Palestra della scuola Giovanni Pascoli, via Marconi 3, 55045, Italy
Contact  +39 346 6918333 or

Are you ready for hours of yoga, playful movement, dance, science, humor, joy and gratitude? 
This is a unique opportunity to study with Carrie Owerko, an innovative force of nature,  in 
Italy, with an abundance of blocks, bands, bolsters and chairs. 

Carrie will teach in english and there will be a translator for Italian speakers. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and last name *
Email *
Phone number  *
Full address with postal code *
Style of yoga you practice *
Birth Date.  Birthplace.  Fiscal Code. *
Payment *
Please use the following information to complete your registration:

Reason for payment: Carrie’s Workshop IBAN: IT 88 Y 03069 09606 1000 00100977
BRANCH: Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 Milano (MI)
or Paypal

There will be no refunds after July 31.
I understand that I am registered for the workshop when I have paid in full. I understand that no refunds are possible after July 31 2023.  If for any reason the workshop is cancelled, students will be refunded their entire workshop fee. *
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