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Week 5 (29.06.20) - How had Britain’s position in Europe changed by 1529? (Later foreign policy, 1525-1529)
Paper 2: Henry VIII and his Ministers, 1509-1540

This week we will continue learning about Henry VIII and his ministers, which is Section B of your Paper 2 exam. In particular, we will be looking at Henry's later foreign policy.

The question you will be able to answer this week is: How had Britain’s position in Europe changed by 1529?

Altogether, you will have 5 tasks to complete on this form. You will also be given additional exam practice work by your class teacher on your Google Classroom, which you will need to submit to your teacher.

As always, if you have any questions please get in contact with your History teacher as soon as possible. We are always happy to help, and we hope you have a wonderful week!
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