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Journey Church
Additional Needs Ministry- Child Profile
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Child's Name
Child's Age 
Child's Cognitive Age (if different than age)
School Grade
Date of Birth
Parent's Name/s
Child's Home Address
Father's Cell Phone
Mother's Cell Phone
Email Address
Siblings - Names, Ages, and Grades
Diagnoses/Challenges (Please describe your child's diagnosis/challenges.)
Strengths/Gifts (Please describe your child's strengths and/or gifts.)
How can we best support your child at church?
School Name
Type of Classroom (Inclusion, Self-contained, etc.)
Services Provided at School (Speech, OT, PT, ABA, etc.)
Allergies - Drugs (If none, please type N/A)
Allergies - Food (If none, please type N/A)
Allergies - Other (If none, please type N/A)
Describe Your Child's Current Health
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Chronic Health Problems (Ex. asthma, pressure sores, cough - list seizure information below)
Any Health Treatments Staff Should Be Aware Of?
Does Your Child Have Seizures?
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Current Medications (If none, please type N/A)
Does Your Child have any physical conditions, past surgeries or injuries which restrict activity? (If none, please type N/A)
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Assistive Devices Used (If your child uses an assistive device, please send it with him/her to class if you feel like it will help his/her buddy communicate with him/her.)
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Does your child understand what is being said to him/her?
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Can your child speak in a way others can understand?
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Describe your child's communication skills.
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If you selected other, please describe below.
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How does your child indicate the need to use the toilet?
Describe special toileting needs/schedules.
Can your child have snacks?
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Please describe eating restrictions.
How cooperative is your child?
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How active is your child?
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How does your child adapt to new situations/environments?
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How does your child respond to correction?
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Does your child exhibit behavioral challenges?
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If you selected other, please describe below.
What is the frequency of the behavior challenges identified from above?
What are successful strategies used to assist with the specified behaviors?
What does your child enjoy?
When does your child participate the most during the day/week?
How is your child best comforted?
What is your child's understanding of God/relationship with Christ?
What have been your child's previous experiences with church?
Does your child have a pet? If yes, what is the pet's name?
Does your child have a favorite toy? if yes, what is the name of this favorite toy?
Does your child have a responsibility, job, or hobby he/she enjoys?
What else would you like us to know about your child?
I understand that the information I am providing on this Journey Church Kid's World Inclusion Ministry Child Profile may be shared with Journey Church Kid's World ministry staff and approved Journey Church ministry volunteers. I also understand that this information I am providing will be secured with Google Forms. Google Forms does offer a robust set of security features to protect the data we have collected from you. The encryption, access control, and two-factor authentication mechanisms, among others, contribute to making Google Forms a safe tool for data collection.

Type your name below if you are in agreement and submit the form.
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