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Redlands Camp 2019 Silverwood Lake Deadline is July 12                                          Adult Registration       $100 per person                                      
Please fill out all information before submitting. You should receive an email within 7 days letting you know that your application was received. If you don't receive an email please let me know ASAP at
All churches must bring their own counselors. We are tent camping and you will be staying with your own group. You must bring your own tents and supervisors. Meals are included. Lake fun, devotionals and music. Camp dates are  July 28- August 1. Any questions please use the email above or contact Camp Director Henry Reed at 909-567-9513 or
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Campers Full Name (First and Last) *
Male or Female *
Age of Camper on July 30, 2018 *
Date of Birth *
Do you know the Lord as your Savior? *
Name of church you are attending with *
Are you an active member of this church? *
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