RailsBridge (or similar workshop) at Code4Lib 2014?
I ran a well attended, and rather well received, RailsBridge workshop at Code4Lib 2013. I am considering organizing RailsBridge again or a similar workshop for Code4Lib 2014. If I organize a RailsBridge, then I could possibly teach it again (though I'd be happy if someone else taught it!). If the workshop teaches another language or framework, I may be willing to help organize it, probably not teach it, and just attend. Selecting a different workshop is probably based on having workshop materials already available and possibly someone willing to teach.
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Are you interested in attending a RailsBridge or similar workshop as a Code4Lib 2014 pre-conference? *
Would you like to see RailsBridge offered again or suggest a different workshop topic?
If you're interested in something other than learning Rails, what?
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