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Fall Athletics Commitment Form 2023-2024
This commitment is to be understood, agreed upon, and submitted by the student-athletes parent/guardian before final acceptance of any player is made as a member of any team at Mirman School. The parent/guardian submission represents the understanding and agreement of the student-athlete as well.
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All student-athletes are expected to support their teams, demonstrating school and team spirit at all times. *
All participants must download the TeamSnap app to their phone in order to receive the roster, schedule, location, and any last-minute details that will pertain to the sport of your choice. You will receive instructions for TeamSnap before your season begins. *
All participants are individually responsible for bringing a snack and water bottle to all athletic games and track meets. *
Absence from games and unsportsmanlike conduct may result in limited playing time or dismissal from the team. Athletes cannot miss two or more scheduled games or more than five practices to receive credit. *
Families are responsible for ordering the necessary equipment and uniforms and are responsible for any lost or damaged items. Student-athletes are responsible for bringing their items on game day. There are no replacement or loaner uniforms on campus and student-athletes are unable to play in games or athletic contests without their Mirman issued uniform. *
In order for student-athletes to participate in an after-school competition, they must have attended more than half of the school day. *
Student-athletes will be accountable to maintain good grades and acceptable standards of behavior, both in and out of the classroom. Failure to follow these rules may result in limited playing time or dismissal from teams. *
At all times, both on and off the Mirman School campus, student-athletes are required to adhere to the standards and procedures outlined in the Mirman Family Handbook and the Student-Athlete Handbook. *
Players have a responsibility to coaches and teammates to make every effort to participate in practice sessions. Therefore, athletes shall attend practice sessions and scheduled athletic activities unless specifically excused by the coach prior to the session. If a student must miss practice – for any reason - the student is required to notify the coach as soon as possible. The coach and Athletics Director will have sole discretion to approve the request and determine whether the student will be excused. Participation in Club Team Sport competition is not an excused absence from a Mirman athletic contest or game. *
Students are not permitted to commit to a team sport and then drop out or miss practices/games after the season begins. (Except in the case of a documented emergency.) *
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