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Parel Vallei High School Open Day /  Hoërskool Parel Vallei Opedag

Open Day registration close 20 February 2024 / Opedag registrasie sluit: 20 Februarie 2024 

Parel Vallei High School 2024 Open Day declaration of interest.  Please complete the
following information.  Please note: If you are using gmail - please check your spam folder regularly.  All applications for grade 8 2025 must be made through the WCED portal from 11 March to 12 April 2024.  

Hoërskool Parel Vallei 2024 Opedag verklaring van belangstelling. Voltooi asseblief die
onderstaande inligting.  Neem asseblief kennis:  indien u gmail gebruik – kyk asseblief gereeld na u gemorspos-lêer. Alle aansoeke vir graad 8 2025 moet deur die WKOD-portaal gedoen word vanaf 11 Maart tot 12 April 2024.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Learner’s full names and surname / Leerder se volle name en van.

Do you have any siblings currently at PV?  If so, please give us their name(s) and their grade(s).  / Het jy enige broers en susters tans by PV? Indien wel, gee asseblief hul naam/name en graad/grade.


Full name and surname of a parent/guardian. / Volle naam en van van ‘n ouer/voog.


Contact e-mail of a parent/guardian.  / Kontak e-pos van ‘n ouer/voog.


Contact phone number of parent/guardian.  / Kontaktelefoonnommer van ouer/voog.

Which of the following sessions would you like to attend? Please select only one.  /  Watter van die volgende sessies sal jy graag wil bywoon? Kies asseblief net een.

Please select your current school from the drop-down list. / Kies asseblief jou  huidige skool uit die aftreklys.

 Amount of people that will be attending (including parents).  / Aantal mense wat die Opedag gaan bywoon (ouers ingesluit).
Is there any specific topic you would like more information about? / Is daar enige
onderwerp waaroor jy graag meer inligting wil hê?
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