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Camp Store Order Form
To order from the Camp Alta Mons store:
1. Fill out this form completely
2. Submit your payment separately by going to
3. Show up at your specified date and time to pick up your order! Pick up location is the Alta Mons Office (2842 Crockett Springs Road, Shawsville, VA 24162)
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Camp Alta Mons Adult Size Sweatshirt $25/each
Please select sizes & quantities
1 sweatshirt
2 sweatshirts
3 sweatshirts
4 sweatshirts
Adult S
Adult M
Adult L
Adult XL
Adult 2XL
Adult 3XL
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Camp Alta Mons Youth Sized Sweatshirt $25/each
Please select sizes & quantities
1 sweatshirt
2 sweatshirts
3 sweatshirts
4 sweatshirts
Youth S
Youth M
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Nalgene Water Bottle $12/each
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Camp Alta Mons Bandanna $5/each
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Name on the credit card you will be paying with (so we can match your payment with your order) Please note that orders will not be processed until payment is received. *
Write the date of your pick-up. Pick-up is between 10 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday at Alta Mons. Pick-up will be contactless; your items will be waiting for you on a table outside the office with your name attached. If you need an alternate pick-up time, contact us at *
What time on your selected date would you like your order to be ready? *
Any other information we should know about your order?
Enter the Total Dollar Amount for your order (If you are buying multiple types of items, add all dollar amounts of the items and quantities you selected). Consider rounding your dollar amount up as a donation to Alta Mons (e.g. if your total is $46, pay $50) *
Once you hit "submit," you will be given a link to our online payment page. You MUST make your payment BEFORE pick-up in order to reserve your item(s)! The link to our payment page is also at the top of this form, in the description.
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