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Statement from Australian Service Union Members for Palestine to the social, community and not-for-profit (NFP) sector

*Read and Scroll to the bottom and press 'next' to sign!

* The following facts were correct as of January 2024. Since then, many more have been killed and injured

We, the undersigned Australian Services Union members and workers in the social, community and not-for-profit sector, write this statement in solidarity with Palestinian people. We condemn and mourn all targeting of life and the living. We are against all forms of oppression including Islamophobia and Antisemitism. Everyone has a right to live free from violence. We extend condolences to any individual from the sector who has lost loved ones. 

Many organisations we work for are advocates for social justice, human rights and inclusion. Many do commendable work to support and advocate for people experiencing violence, injustice and oppression, regularly speaking out on the failures of the Australian government to promote equality, safety and justice. Many of these organisations actively spoke up and endorsed the recent campaign for a Voice to Parliament: a rightful recognition of the voice and strength of First Nations peoples and their experiences of historical and ongoing colonisation.

With few exceptions, many of these organisations now remain disturbingly silent on the genocide being enacted upon the people of Palestine.

We have been filled with grief and rage at the escalation of violence since October 7. The United Nations have issued warnings that Palestinians are at grave risk of mass ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza. Scholars and practitioners of international law, conflict studies and genocide studies have echoed warning of a potential genocide. We understand these warnings in a longer history, including ethnic cleansing, and 75 years of settler-colonial oppression and dispossession

We stand against all forms of racism, discrimination and settler-colonial violence. We recognise that Zionism is not the same as Judaism, that criticism of the actions of Israel's government is not, in and of itself, anti-Semitic, and that increasing numbers of Jewish people are speaking out against Israel’s crimes. These include groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace, Loud Jew Collective, and Jews Against the Occupation. We stand with the hundreds of  thousands of people across the world calling for an end to the assault on Gaza. To stand with Palestine is to stand for humanity.

This did not begin on October 7 

In 1948 the state of Israel declared independence over 55 per cent of Palestinian territory. This required massacres and mass expulsion of Palestinian people, referred to as The Nakba, meaning “catastrophe”. For more than 75 years, since the Nakba,  Israel's military rule has disrupted every aspect of daily life in Palestine.  Israel has illegally blockaded and besieged Gaza for the past 16 years, making it – as acknowledged by Amnesty International among many others – the world’s largest open-air prison. 

In 2023 alone, prior to October 7, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs confirmed that Israel had killed 243 Palestinians (205 in the occupied West Bank, 34 in Gaza and a further 4 Palestinians in Israel. 

Since 7 October 2023, Israel has significantly intensified its attacks on the Palestinian people – subjecting 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza to unprecedented bombardment, increasing settler violence on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and a mass arrest campaign targeting Palestinians. These Palestinians join the thousands already held hostage in Israeli prisons.

Israel has bombed and leveled entire neighborhoods in Gaza for nine weeks, killing more than 22,000 Palestinians in Gaza and at least 275 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, many of whom are children. This is not to mention civilians who are injured or missing. According to Euro-Med Monitor figures, roughly 700,000 children have been affected by Israel’s Gaza genocide, a number that includes those who were killed, injured, and internally displaced. With food, water, medical supplies, and electricity restricted by Israel,  Gaza’s population is now facing starvation and disease. Deliberately depriving civilian populations of food, water and fuel and willfully impeding relief supplies is a method of warfare, with  deadly impacts on children.

Almost 300 medical and health workers have been killed and more than half of the hospitals in Gaza are out of service. There are countless reports of medical procedures including cesareans and amputations needing to be conducted on patients without anesthesia. Israel has bombed schools, UN refugee camps, and mosques. Aid workers, journalists, academics, and doctors have been deliberately targeted and killed. We cannot remain silent. 

Israeli government officials have publicly expressed genocidal intent, labeling Palestinians 'human animals' and ‘children of darkness', and calling for the complete destruction and erasure of Gaza. These expressions and actions are evidence of Israel’s racist ideology, law, policies, and practices against Palestinians that operate within a violent system of apartheid

In recent weeks, Israel has demanded that 1.1 million Palestinians evacuate the northern half of Gaza and has further cut off the little fuel, electricity, water, food and medical supplies from entering Gaza. Israel’s actions, massacres, and rhetoric point to its intention to implement its long promised  second Nakba, expelling as many Palestinians as possible and creating a ‘New Middle East’ in which Palestinians live in perpetual subjugation.

Our demands

The union movement has a proud history of standing for peace and against war, apartheid and injustice. Victorian Trades Hall Council has called for solidarity with Palestine. We join the unions, including the NTEU, the AEU and the AMWU in their calls for peace. The Australian Services Union Victoria and Tasmania Authorities and Services Branch recently passed a motion with demands, including for an immediate ceasefire, end to the blockade in Gaza, and the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. A similar motion was passed in the ASU SA NT branch.  Unionists for Palestine Victoria and NSW also recently pledged to stand in solidarity with the right of union officials to recognise union members to join actions in solidarity with Palestinians and will defend any worker facing retaliation from their employer for their involvement in actions. 

While we welcome the Prime Minister’s recent call for a 'pause in hostilities', this is not enough. The statement made with New Zealand and Canada inaccurately states that Israel has a ‘right to defend itself’ and minimises  the ongoing apartheid.  

We condemn the Australian government's support for the state of Israel, which has resulted in the murder of more than 18,000 Palestinians.  We call on our employers in the social, community and NFP sector to end their silence and speak out for Palestine. 

We are calling for: 

  • Our employers across the NFP and community sector to end their silence now and show public support for Palestine;

  • The right of community and NFP workers to demonstrate solidarity with Palestine in our workplaces without retribution or retaliation;  

  • For all Social and Community services organisations and NFPs to join in the demand from human rights organisations in Australia and across the globe including: Amnesty International, Plan International, UNICEF, Save the Children, Oxfam, Doctors without Borders, The World Health Organisation, and the heads of several United Nations bodies, to call on Israel to enact and follow an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and 

  • Demand an end to Israel’s bombing and blockade of Gaza and the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

  • The Australian government to cut all military and diplomatic ties with Israel.  

As unionists and as workers in social justice and human rights organisations, we call on our employers across the Not-for-Profit and community sectors to end their complicity and silence on the atrocities being committed by Israel in Gaza and Palestine. 

We urge any worker in the sector to join us in signing.   

593 signatures as of  20 April 2024
Amy Turton, Program Officer, VIC
Batool, Research & Policy Officer, Victoria
Aliya Ahmad, Media campaigner, VIC
Nicky Minus, Digital Communications Specialist,  Victoria
Pauline McLoughlin, Senior Project Officer, Vic
Carina Ene, Library officer, Victoria
Yuya Sudo, Social Worker, Victoria
Monica Campo, Senior Research Officer, VIC
Phoebe Turner-Myatt, Secretariat and Policy Officer, VIC
Sarah Abeysena, Project and Policy Officer, Victoria
Jerrie Johnston, Library customer service, VIC
Felicity Scarce, Community services worker, Victoria
Stephanie Bell, Social Worker, Victoria
Hayden Roberts, Cultural Heritage Services, Queensland
Jess Bigby, Social worker, Victoria
Kelly Finch, Social worker, VIC
Belinda OConnor, Primary prevention worker, Vic
Alex Kakafikas, Property Services facilitator, Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Victoria
Isabella Gadsden, Social Worker, Victoria
Jessica McMeniman, Coordinator, Victoria
Anastasia C, Policy Officer, VIC
Julia Earley, FV Prevention, Vic
Louisa Bassini, Community lawyer, Vic
Kim Hay, Policy Advisor, VIC

Siane Grant-Hayes, Outreach Organiser, VIC
Nicola Purcell, Social worker, Victoria 
Emma Constantine, Women’s Community Services, VIC 
Liz Lim, Women's Community Services, VIC
Josie Foster, Outreach Organiser, VIC
Michelle Reynolds, Community legal policy and advocacy 
Michal Kedem, Community Lawyer, VIC
Stacey Williams, Legal Education, VIC
Ashling Morone, Support Worker, VIC
Sangwon Lee, Fundraising Coordinator, VIC
Sarah Thorne, Mental Health Support Worker, VIC
Alinta Williams, Organiser, VIC
Theodore Quinn, Project Officer, VIC
Kendra Keller, 
Research and Advocacy Officer, VIC
Mitch Rose, Youth & Community Development, NT
Kelly Fawcett, Evidence and Advocacy Advisor and Delegate, VIC
Ada Castle, Health Promotion, VIC
Shulah Orloff, People and Culture Coordinator, VIC
Alex Bishop, Research Editor, Brotherhood of St. Laurence, VIC
Fiona Vuongs, Women’s Health Service, social worker, VIC 
Alycia Gawthorne, Senior Communications Officer, VIC
Tinonee Pym, Health Promotion Officer, VIC
Dylan Goldsworthy, Community Lawyer, VIC
Margaret McKenzie, Economist, VIC
Michelle Shackleton, Community Organiser and Engagement Officer, VIC
Molly Williams, Community Lawyer, VIC
Ella Dunstan, Community Lawyer, VIC

Dylan Clements, Organiser, VIC
Ilo diaz, Advocacy Coordinator, VIC
Nishadee Liyanage, Adviser, VIC
Emma Hardley, Gender Equity Specialist, VIC
Wallis Hamilton, Lawyer, VIC
Isabella Jones, Paralegal, VIC

Lucy Peckham, Prevention program advisor, VIC
Simon Reynolds, Youth Refuge Support Worker, VIC
Alive Creevey, Violence prevention worker, VIC
Khyaati Acharya, Policy Advisor, VIC
Erica Wastell, Prevention Advisor VIC
Cassandra Bernaudo, Advisor, VIC

Rufaro George Kanjere, Union Organizer, VIC
Zaida Variava, Project Officer, Brisbane 
Jacinta Mancini, Family Violence Crisis Specialist, VIC
Tash Howson, Digital Communications Specialist, VIC
Chris Julian, LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Mental Health Practitioner - Mind Australia VIC
Violet Cully, Comms manager - AYCC, VIC
Kathryn Mary Lee, administration assistant, WA
Renata Field, Policy officer, NSW
Adam Price, Executive Officer, VIC
Stephanie Reynolds, Social Worker, NSW
Josiah Herma, Library Events Hire, VIC
Anastasios Kapetanos, Graduate Program, SA
Ben Hjorth, The Salvation Army, VIC
Mark Taylor, Environmental manager, QLD
Suli Lokollo, Support Worker, NSW
Jill Sparrow, Project Manager, VIC
justin Tutty, Software Engineer, NT
Madelyn Roof, Outreach organiser YWC, VIC
Judy Kuo, Freelance illustrator, VIC

Kathryn Delaney, Community Services, VIC
Shifrah Blustein, Community lawyer, Victoria
Emma Gallacher, Family Support Worker, South Australia
Conor Flynn, Union Organiser , VIC
Steph Brown, Project and Content Officer, Victoria
Maki Morita, Rosie Editor, Victorian Women’s Trust, Victoria
Lisa fak, Social worker, Vic
Alana West, Policy Officer    
Indya McMahon, Lawyer, Victoria
Joseph Lumanog, Policy and Advocacy Advisor,  VIC
Laura Pecora, Lecturer, Victoria
Karla Livingstone-Pardy, Arts Worker, Victoria
Charlie Brennan, Community Law Administration, Victoria
Dom Caesar, Social Worker, Victoria
Danielle Roubin, Project Lead, VIC
Hassiba Ahmar, Lawyer, Victoria
Stephanie Price, Community Lawyer, Victoria
Zuzia Buszewicz, Policy & Campaigns Officer, NSW

Graham Hansen, Senior Policy Officer, WA
Alex McInnis, Campaigner, NSW
Amy Lavelle, Library worker, VIC
Gary Karpa, Disability Support Worker - NDIS , NSW
Clint Uink , Project Coordinator, WA
Jasmine Terwei-Nicholls, Family Services Worker, Victoria
Paddy Gordon, ArtPlay support officer , Victoria
Elizabeth Ratcliffe, Social Worker, VIC
Molly Flowers, Community Lawyer, Victoria
Cameron McDonald, Primary prevention agitator, VIC
Joanna Nilsson, Communications Manager, Victoria
Stacey Akasha, Urban Planner, QLD
Lachlan Marshall, Local Area Coordinator, Vic
Shane McGrath, Retirement housing worker, VIC
Hannah Thomas, Senior Policy Officer, NSW
Tom Mcbride Dyer, disability Support worker, NSW
Nadia Morales, Community Lawyer, VIC
Megan Kelly, Digital Engagement Advisor, Victoria
Vanessa Weir, Social Worker, Victoria
Ayce Durakovic, Advocate, VIC
Sarah Williamson, Family Violence Case Manager, Victoria
Alannah Cavalieri, Social worker, VIC
Peter Nyhuis, Library Officer, Victoria
Belinda Thalakada, Union Organiser, Victoria
Anthony Kelly, Policy Officer / Movement Trainer, Victoria
Kiz Blanca-Jackson, Project Officer, Victoria
Liam Hermanus, Social Worker, Victoria
Genevieve Cox, Support Worker & Equity Ambassador, QLD
Georgia Woods, Humanitarian Settlement Case Worker, Victoria
Zev Powell, Designer, VIC
Kylie Henry, Program Advisor, VIC
Deborah Peake, Administration support, VIC
Tess Matthews, Community lawyer , VIC
Yiota Paraskevopoulos, OHS Advisor, Victoria
Amy Findlay, Social worker, Victoria
H Parsons, Volunteer community worker, NSW
Mali Hermans, Senior Policy Officer, QLD
Joseph Nunweek, Community Lawyer, Vic
Chloe Simmons, Industrial advocate, Vic
Chloe Simmons, Industrial advocate, Vic
Thomas Dryburgh, Healthy Ageing Coordinator, Victoria
Piergiorgio Moro, Co-ordinator, health promotion, Vict
Rachel Dann, Family services case manager, Victoria
Carly Hanson, Community legal sector worker, QLD
Oli Hittmann, Social Worker, Victoria
Eirene Tsolidis Noyce, Policy Officer, VIC
Maria Strofalis, Counsellor, VICTORIA
Tim Morandini, Community Worker, NSW
Alfie Walker, Unionist, Victoria
Riley Brooke, Policy & Comms Coordinator, NSW
Jocelyn Walkden-Brown, Support Worker, NSW
Alma Signal, Youth Worker, VIC
Alexandra Hollis, Data Specialist, Vic
Rosanna Barbero, CEO Community Centre, NSW
Iona Julian-Walters, Administrator, Vic
Jacinta Hennekam, LGBTIQ+ Health Promotion worker, ASU member, Naarm, VIC
E Duncan, Youth Worker, NSW
Matthew Ford, Disability Arts & Support Worker, Victoria
Jasna Perry, Supporter Care Coordinator, Vic
Jackie Turner, Trans Justice Campaigner, NSW
Stephanie M, Lawyer, VIC
Prue Challis, Neighbourhood House Coordinator, Victoria
Rachel Swain, Ecologist, Victoria
Ada Conroy, Clinical Supervisor and Consultant, Vic
Michael Schembri, Union advocate, NSW
Scott Batchelor, Campaign Coordinator FSU, SA
Phillip Garbé, Advocate, Victoria
Ochre, Management- disability services, Vic
Jennifer Norton, Social Worker, NSW
Lan Courtney, Social Worker, VIC
Oakley Germech, Technical Support Coordinator, Victoria
Caroline Dias, Community Organiser, Victoria
Olivia Flower, BirdLife Australia, Victoria
Clinton Duncan, Organiser, FSU, SA
Iman Etri, Project Coordinator, NSW
Tanya Jando, Social Worker, Victoria
Leslie McNulty, Industrial Advocate, VIC
Kerrie-Ann Garlick, Administration, WA
Tim Colwill, Union Organiser, WA
Nicholas Cowley, Unemployed, Victoria
Bilal Hafda, Artistic Director of the Bankstown Poetry Slam, NSW
Amani Haydar, Author & Consultant to the NFP sector on women's health and safety, NSW
Thomas Feng, Human Rights Law Centre, VIC
Meriem Idris , CFO, Victoria
John Blackley, Youth Worker / Mentor, NSW
Stephen Povey, Industrial Advocate, NSW
Sam Galvin, National Liaison Officer Convenor, Victoria
Anna Wark, Family Violence Project Worker, Vic
Maddison Newman, Baker and Store Assistant, NSW
Regina Feathesrstone, Senior Lawyer, NSW
Kevin Ngo, Arts worker , NSW
Sereen Omran, Artist, NSW
Jaclyn McCosker, Climate Campaigner, QLD
Lorraine Mangan, Social Worker, NSW
Zeina Jamaleddine, Executive Manager , WA
Oliver Caruana-brown, Youth worker, VIC
Josephine Langbien, Community lawyer, Victoria
Julie Fraser, Organiser , Northern Territory
Kim Robinson, Program Support Officer,     WA
Mason Rothwell, Policy and Communications Lead, WA
Monique Hurley, Lawyer, VIC
Iurgi Urrutia, Librarian, Victoria
Vanessa Stathopoulos, Training Officer, VIC
Sanmati Verma, Acting Legal Director, Human Rights Law Centre, Victoria
Lucy Burnett, Social worker, Victoria
Ella D'Abbs, Social worker, Victoria
Sophia Graham,     Clinical support Officer, NSW
Dr Shawna Marks, Policy and Research Officer, South Australia
Dacia Abela, Lawyer, Vic
Shana Roberts, Social Worker, VIC
Taylah Kiely, Youth and Family Worker, VIC
Trelawney Edgar, Office Manager, Victoria
Rebecca Smith, Educator, NSW
Simone Howard, Specialist Family Violence Practitioner, VIC
Tom Studans, Community legal sector worker, NSW
Tara Nipe, Registered nurse, Victoria
Caitlin Louth, Community Lawyer, Victoria
BEA, CREATurE Mag Editor, NSW
Ryan Nolan, Community services worker, VIC
Priyanka Bromhead, Intersectional advisor & educator, NSW
Charlotte Mac Sweeney, Disability support worker, NSW
Mel J, Manager, New South Wales
Jasmine Carl, Support Officer, VIC
Julieanne Abdalla, Primary Teacher, NSW
Blossom Ah Ket, Project Officer and Spanish interpreter, Victoria
Ripley breheny, LGBTIQ family violence practitioner, Vic
Millie Sinclair, NSW
Troijarra Ebio, Sole Trader, NSW
Inari Saltau, Director of Operations, Queensland
Mark Taylor, Environmental Manager, Queensland
Ela Pinar, Publication, NSW
Saada Khalil, Internal Comms Manager, NSW
Liz Sutherland, Chief Operating Officer, VIC
Quinn Hogan, Community Services, VIC
Eman E. Aboobakuru, Communications, Marketing & Design, VIC
Sam Sweeney, Digital campaigner, Victoria
Georgia Radford, Youth worker and nurse, Vic
Lesly Zambrano, Access and Inclusion advocate , VIC
Jihad Yassine, Carpenter, Nsw
Darcy W, Community services worker, VIC
Caitlin Benson, Social Worker, Victoria
Karen Fraser, Psychotherapist Counsellor Advocate, Victoria
Sarah Schwartz, Lawyer, VIC
Elliot Cameron, Literary arts organiser, NSW
Hasmukh Chand, Strategist, NSW
Che Bishop, Executive manager, VIC
Aoife Ryall, Project officer, VIC
Scoutt Winter, Community educator, Tasmania
Jackie Martin, Family Therapist, Vic
Lily Bandi, Disability Support Worker, NSW
Tom Fiebig, Support Coordinator , Victoria
Rica Carao, QTIBIPOC Peer Practitioner, VIC
Azja Kulpinska , social worker, VIC
Jessie Czaban, Counsellor/Caseworker, NSW
Sebastian Taranto, LGBTQIA+ Youth Education Case Mgr, Victoria
Trea Ryan, Technical Specialist , QLD
Victoria Leach, Support Worker, Victoria
Brianna McFarlane, Communications and thought leadership, NSW
Vivian Pham, Arts worker, NSW
Emily Bartush, Social Worker, VIC
Alison Hopkins, Student, NSW
Jane Han, Administration and Operation, NSW
Fahimah Badrulhisham, Climate community organiser, NSW
Hareem Abbasi, Capacity Building & Participation Officer    , NSW
Adrian Mouhajer, Program Coordinator, NSW
Shelisha Sharma, Social Worker , VIC
Vishad Sharma, Campaigner, NSW
Emily Wilson, Education support, Victoria
Jasmine Fischer, Office Manager/admin, Victoria
Bronte Colmer, Union Admin Worker, SA
Natalia Figueroa Barroso, Writer, NSW
Laura Hayes, Campaigner, QLD
Jade Parker, SDFV worker, NSW
Liz Tinney , Financial counsellor, Nsw
S. Bettiens, Family Services, Intake and Targeted Support    , Victoria
Patti Burton, Climate Justice Digital Communicator, NSW
Sophie Gillfeather Spetere , Senior project officer , NSW
Sarah Vanderfield, Paralegal, NSW
Tim Baxter, Research Lead, Victoria
Laila Perveen Huda, Social Worker, Queensland
Fiona Waters, Social worker, Victoria
Aysun Ilhan, Bi-cultural worker, Vic
Keerah Eid, Housing NSW, NSW
Piergiorgio Moro, Community health promotion, Vic
Dhaksh Sooriyakumaran, Consultant - surveillance tech / disinformation, Victoria
Kathy Brunning, Community Development Assistant, Victoria
Dominique Lardner, Lawyer, Naarm
Sumeyye Sarman, Teacher, VIC
Maddie Sarre, Organising and Training Director, SA
Kate Leaney, Campaigns and Communications Manager, SA
Cat Nadel, Campaign Strategist , VIC
Darja, RN, SA
Danielle Collyer, Union Organiser, South Australia
Tess Stewart-Moore, Prevention advisor, VIC
Arundhathi Lekshmi, Communications Worker, Victoria
Adriana Mackay, Support & Advocacy Worker, VIC
Mi Nguyen, Project Officer, Vic
Alex Gordon, Social Worker, VIC
Alexandria Comber-Sticca, Brokerage Coordinator, Victoria
Daniel Smith, Disability local area coordinator, Victoria
Paul Smyth, Lawyer & ASU Union delegate, NSW
Jocelyn McGarity, Lawyer, NSW
David Mejia-Canales, Lawyer, New South Wales
Sadaf Shaikh, Welfare worker, Victoria
Luis Cran-Lawrence, Social worker, Victoria
Natasha Ritchie, Social worker, Victoria
Peter Spittle, AOD Clinician, Vic
Amanda Mallam, Disability Support Worker, NSW
Rosie Carr, Drug & Alcohol Team Leader, Victoria
Makkiah Sawlwin, Records Officer, VIC
Jeremy Raudys, AOD Outreach Clinician, Vic
Alyssa Scott, Project amd communications coordinator, Vic

Kyle Papini, Senior AOD Counsellor, Victoria
Ni Richardson, Disability Support Worker, New South Wales
Simone van Hattem, Community Outreach Coordinator, WA
Jason Harris, Government Relations, Funding & Submissions, Victoria
Emma Shaw, Social Worker, Victoria
Therese Smith, AOD Practitioner, VICTORA
Nic Portaro, Writer, Victoria
William Devine, Early Intervention Worker, Victoria
Roxanne Moore, Executive Director of First Nations, FYA, Victoria
Aisling Scully, Social worker, NSW
Georgina Igoe, Psychotherapist, NSW
Ruby Harvey, Social worker, Naarm (VIC)
Anne Tidyman, AOD Manager, VIC
Jemila Rushton, Campaigner / Organiser / Fundraiser, VIC
Jo Darling, Family Violence Lived Experience Program Lead, Vic
Tracey Pahor, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Lead, VIC
John Pilgrim, Communications Officer, VIC
Catrina Madaffari, Early Years Coordinator, VIC
Jaafar Ayouch, Local Area Coordinator, VIC
Gem Romuld, Director, NSW
Sim Touver, Local Area Coordinator, Victoria
Stella Dodds, Evaluation officer, NSW
Alistair Montfrt, Intake Worker, Vic
Lachlan Daly, Industrial Advocate, NSW
Bill Stellar, Disability Support Worker, NSW
Sharmiah Sritharan, Solicitor , Victoria
Donna Vos, Homelessness Worker, Naarm
Andrea, Workplace Relations Consultant, SA
Jade Andrews, Early childhood coordinator, Vic
Ella Longhurst, Policy and Research Officer, Victoria
Zoe Ross, Social Worker , Victoria
Trish Hayes, Social Worker, Vic
Isabella Todd, Organiser and Volunteer Coordinator, NSW
Joe rafalowicz , Campaigner, Vic
Thuy Giang, Community worker , NSW
Mira Maaranen, Program Administrator, WA
Teresa Gray, Community Lawyer , Vic
Fiona Tipping, Indigenous Advocate, Victoria
Megan Wenlock , Industrial Officer, Victoria
Rebecca Atley, Social Worker, Victoria
Georgie Toner, Operations Coordinator, NSW
Sarah Tam-Perez, Campaigner, VIC
Rose Walls, Community Mental Health Practitioner, Victoria
Caitlin Battye, Digital Fundraising Coordinator, SA
Edie Buckley, Laborer, Victoria
Michael Healey, AOD Clinician, Vic
Mary Jo Costache, Campaigns officer, NSW
Ezra Burnett, Youth advocate / peer worker, VIC
Georgina Crisp, Librarian, Victoria
Yasir Arfat, Manager Healthy Communities, VIC
Lil Copland, Client Services Officer , NSW
Anna Wommatakimmi-Chapman, Project Officer , Northern Territory
Matt Howard, Career Counsellor, Tasmania
Mohan amair        
Briar Macdonald, Service Coordinator , Vic
Jessica Brown, Partnerships & Business Development Lead, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Victoria
Ellen McGregor, Manager FV Workforce Policy & Practice, Victoria
Sofie Lemaire, urban planner, VICTORIA
Ben Schuetz, redress support worker, victoria
Lee Wang, Health Promotion Worker , NSW
Charlotte Watson, Lawyer, VIC
Aira Firdaus, Organiser, SA
Eva Hatten, Intake worker, Victoria
Lina Merdawi, Direct Service Manager , NSW
Natalie Calabrese, Social Worker, Victoria
Fadilla Masri, Social Worker, NSW
Eilish Fitzpatrick, Community services worker, NSW
Lucy Stimpson, horticulturist , VIC
Erin, Social worker, Vic
Melina Newman, Educator, VIC
MJ Flamiano, Community arts worker, Victoria
Anna Agostinelli, Social Worker, Northern Territory
Anna Agostinelli, Social Worker, Northern Territory
Gerard Buttigieg, Member Engagement Officer, ASU NSW/ACT, NSW
Sarah Vanderfield, Paralegal , NSW
Toni Phillips , Community Worker, Vic
Isobel Brinin, Senior Solicitor, ACT
Lachlan Gregory, Policy officer, Victoria
Celeste Stephens, Policy Manager, WA
Sena Kocoglu, Strategic Communications Advisor, Victoria
Brooke Williams, Peer worker, VIC
Piper Horvat, Union Organiser, VIC
Grace Huang, Solicitor, NSW
Gretta, Industrial Officer, Vic
Margaret McKenzie, Senior economist, Vic
Megan Mahon, Social Worker, Victoria
Isabella Doran, Communication Designer, VIC
Kerrie McGrath, Disability Educator, NSW
Aneirin Richardson, Support Worker, NSW
Susie Byers, Head of Advocacy, Vic
Robyn Daly, Sustainability officer, Vic
Mish Pony, Chief Executive Officer, NSW
Karen Taranto, Policy Advisor, Vic
Mary Jo Costache, Campaigns officer, NSW
Virginia Heal, Farm hand, VIC
Michelle Surowiec, Campaigner, Vic
Michelle Bui, Social Worker/Perinatal Mental Health Counsellor, WA

Romy Listo, Women's Health Worker, ACT
Rhys Clarke, Student , QLD
Ella Ryan , Conservation officer , Vic
Tegan Kachyckyj, Qld
Amy Findlay, Social Worker, VIC
Liam Cross, Support Worker, WA
Elizabeth Griggs, CLC Administration, VIC
Jess Bakewell, Organise, SA
Anna Morrow, Community Lawyer, Victoria
Rebecca Mahesan, Project Officer, VIC
Jess Bakewell, Organiser, SA
Anushe Khan, Project Coordinator, ACT
Daniel Wilson, Aboriginal Cultural Advisor , Victoria
Estella Latham , Case Manager, Victoria
Sumarlinah Winoto, Council worker, Victoria
Sati Ozbek , Specialist Family Violence Practitioner, Victoria
Erin Carolan , Social worker, Victoria
Cecil Lowi-Genn, Librarian, Victoria
Kial Gillett, Paralegal, Victoria
Simone Howard, Specialist Family Violence Practitioner, VIC
Sean McLachlan, Disability Support Worker, NSW
Margaret McKenzie, Senior economist, Vic
Sarah Haq, Landscape Architect, Victoria
Sam Coleman, Community Lawyer, VIC
Casper Sela, Peer Practitioner + Lived Experience Perspective Supervisor, So-called Victoria
Libby Jamieson, Manager, Vic
Max Smith, Organiser, Victoria
Matilda Mornane, Team Leader, Family Violence Refuge, VIC
Aly Butchers, Senior Lawyer, Victoria
Bethany Nolin, Health Promotion/Community Development Officer, TAS
A Morales, Trainer and support worker, VIC
Thomas Café, Youth Worker, NSW
Billie Eyers, Customer Solutions Specialist, Victoria
Mietta van Dam, Industrial Relations Organiser, VIC
Bronwen Davies, Communications Advisor, VIC
Sophie Ellis , Community lawyer , Vic
Lynsey W, AOD Clinician/Trainer, victoria
Brett Walker, Senior Administration Assistant, Victoria
Nerf Johnston, Peer Support Worker @ Flourish Australia, Victoria
Hannah Brady, Supportive Housing Worker, Victoria
Janelle Young, Policy Officer, Victoria
Ana Martinez, Coordinator Event Operations, Vic
Vincent Shin, Community Lawyer , VIC
Lou Kerley, Senior Training and Practice Development Officer, Victoria
Sana Zaman, Therapeutic Practitioner, Victoria
Jessielea Skillicorn, Social worker, Victoria
Vivekananda James, Child Care CM, Victoria
Morgan Wright, Youth Worker, Victoria
Frehiwet Haftu, Case Manager, Victoria
Yasmin Cohen, Senior Case Manager, VIC
Sarah Borg, Public Health Medical Officer / Public Health Physician, Victoria
Mez Butler, Community Services Manage, Vic
Amy Findlay, Social Worker, Victoria
Penny Cheng, Social Worker, VIC
Melodie Radatti, Community Development Coordinator, Victoria
Vy Nguye , Social Worker, VIC
Bug Dearaugo, Support Worker, VIC
Imo Kuah, Community Organiser, VIC
Mez Butler, LGBTIQA+ Programs, Vic
Rachael Szumsk, Digital Engagement Coordinator, VIC
Vincent Shin, Community Lawyer, Victoria
Aly Butchers, Lawyer, Victoria
Annabel Darbyshire, Social worker, Victoria

Sophie Louchart , Art Therapist / Social Worker
Michael Schembri , Industrial Advocate
Daniel Moore , Community radio audio engineer
Dayle Lee Jones, Volunteer Coordinator, VALS
Ola hamed , Organiser
Jess Gordon, Communications and advocacy
Faye Sakaris, Children's Services
Gillian Allpress, Organiser FSU
Shea Grace, Peer Support worker
Abril Garcia Negron, Research & Evaluation Coordinator
Lachlann Carter, Development Director
Noah Talbot, Youth Worker
Sam Regester, Campaigner
Heather Ryan,  Human Rights Advocacy Manager
Charles Bompay , Engagement Team Leader
Marion Yates,  Librarian
Jenna Williams, Program manager working with young people
Tara Broso, Young Mayors Program assistant (FYA)
Evie Isaac, Social worker
Mikaela Foxworthy, Senior Policy Officer
Elizabeth Yared, Practice Development Advisor
Scott Batchelor, Campaign Coordinator
Charlotte Campbell, Organiser
Alex Cousner, Industrial Officer
Laf Zuccarello, Organiser
Bee Hayes, Equity, Diversity, Access and Inclusion Project Lead
Kris Recke, Union Organiser
Alexis West, Creative|Freelance
Pablo Brait, Campaigner
Vasko Drogriski, Building design rural planner
Chris Schuringa, Campaigner
Sotir Stojanovic, Industrial Advocate
Madeleine Logan, Teacher
Farid Shamim, Door Technician
Lucy Burnett, Social Worker
Dyadai Orbegozo Sanchez, Member Services
Yumi Luff, Social worker
Maurice Solano, Social worker
Taylor Redwood, Ward Advisor
Yumi Luff,  FV I&A Practitioner
Husna Amani, Student, casual worker/volunteer in the NFP, social and racial justice, disability, multicultural, and youth spaces
Subik Baso, Educator
Emma Lewis, Social worker
Meagan McGann, Case Manager
Warwick Gow, Arts Worker
Sabrina S, ACO
Husna Amani, Student/casual worker in the NFP space
Caitie Gutierrez, Peer Support Worker
Emma di Corradon, Family Violence Practitioner  
Lisa Gregory , Social Worker- Team Leader
Maddie Linden-White, Paralegal
Sarah Smith, Harm Reduction Practitioner
Kim Kelly, Case Manager

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