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Inclusion on our database for Survivors
Thank you for your interest in Survivors Against Terror.  You are here because you identify as a survivor of a terror attack in the UK or a loved one has been killed or injured in an attack. 

By adding your details here, we will ensure that your data is safe and will not be shared beyond the SAT core team. Please do leave any notes below that are relevant to you or any questions for the Team and someone will come back to you.  
We very much look forward to connecting with you. 

If you are not here as someone described above but are interested in the work of SAT, want to support or get more information, please complete this form instead, thank you. 
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First name *
Surname *
Email  *
Contact number  *
How / where did you hear about SAT? *
Which incident were you / your loved one involved in? *

Please give any information that is relevant or important to you. Anything that will help us connect with you better. If you have any issues you need direct help with, please feel free and safe to say that here or leave a note for someone to call you back and we'll do that as soon as we can. 
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