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Toward A Womanist Ethic
Registration Fee: $150.00 {holds your seat in #theCircle⭕️}

*The Circle of SacredFire⭕️  is a 7-week, Virtual Intensive.

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Initial Acknowledgements
Please read through and accept these acknowledgments which are required to participate in #theCircle⭕️
I understand that the $150 registration fee, & tuition paid is non-refundable. If I am unable to complete any part of the courses, I can take them during the next cycle the classes are offered. *
I understand if for any reason I am unable to complete my intensive I Must finish paying off the course. {this allows you to be eligible to return, and take whatever you missed or the entire course for free for up to (2) semesters!}
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I understand and plan to be fully committed to participating in the COSF Preaching Intensive. I also understand I must be present for the entire course and can only miss sessions due to an emergency. {please look at your schedule carefully and plan to be in attendance bi-weekly, we have much to cover!} *
I understand the dates for this Intensive begin *
I understand the dates for this Intensive begin Day,  Date , Year, on a Bi-weekly schedule from ---- EST. {Mark your calendars}. The Dates are also listed below, you do mot need to check them off. *
I understand all payments for the intensive will be INVOICED via E-MAIL, and are payable via, Zelle, Google Pay, or CashApp. Please make sure the payment method is in your name, if its not please notify us! Also, please put the semester/ or your name in the memo line. *
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