RAOA Moderator Applications

While we may not always be looking for a new moderator, we do like to keep applications open, in the event that we may need to fill a gap in the current moderation team.

Answer honestly, openly, and don't forget to dot your is and cross your ts.

The receptacle for your first born child is currently down, we'll just take an IOU.
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Reddit User Name *
When is the last time you read the FAQs/rules? *
Are you willing to dedicate a large chunk of time to helping moderating the subreddit? *
What is your current typical time frame for being online and actively paying attention to the sub? *
Between when and when. Also: Time Zone.
How much time do you spend on Reddit per week on average? *
Do you use Skype? *
If you answered "No" to the previous question: Would you be willing to use Skype chat?
Clear selection
Do you have a personal problem with ANY moderator? If so, why? *
Personal Feelings About RAOA
What is your general feelings of the sub? What does RAOA mean to you? *
If you were to describe Random Acts of Amazon to a friend that was curious about the subreddit, how would you do it? *
Are there any rules on the subreddit that you do not agree with or do not like? *
If you were to change any of the rules on the subreddit, what would you change? *
Beyond Rule Changes, How would you contribute to the sub and the Mod Squad? *
Personal Interests
What do you do for a living? *
What do you like to do in your free time? *
What are your hobbies? *
Are you active in our Chats and Other activities? *
Tell us what you like to do! (Tinychat, Turntable)
Would you rather fight 100 duck sized Horses or 1 Horse Sized Duck? *
Moderation/Relevant Experience
Have you ever moderated a subreddit? *
If yes, which ones?
Have you moderated any other group? *
Message Board etc.
Any experience managing people in real life? *
How experienced are you with CSS? *
This is not a required skill, but we like to know if you have experience!
I invented CSS.
Do you have any coding experience? *
This is not a required skill, but we like to know if you have experience!
Answer each question with 1.) What's wrong and 2.) What you would do about it,
What's wrong with this title? *
[Discussion] I'm updating my contest!
And this one? *
What about this? *
[INTRO] Poor 18 year old college student looking to build gaming PC
Another Title. *
[Discussion] Why Women Belong in the Kitchen?
What's wrong with this intro? *
Hey folks, I'm Rick. I'm 22 and I have a big passion for walking on the beach and surfing. I love just catching waves and do crazy things at night. I have these cock rings on my list however, my girlfriend has wanted me to try them but I don't know. I don't want to spend my own money on them so maybe you can help ;)
What's wrong with this Discussion? *
So yesterday I shot my foot while cleaning my gun. It sucks and hurts so bad. Can you post some videos of some cool guns? I love guns.
Here's a Modmail.  What would YOU do? *
So I've heard these rumors that /u/WampyFred is a shitty person. He's scamming people over on /r/scumbagrandomacts. You should ban him from your subreddit!
Another Modmail. It gets busy sometimes. *
Hello everyone. So there's this person who gifted me a while back and the gift never showed up. What should I do?
Final Section
Have you ever not met a deadline? How did you feel about it? Did you do anything to make it up? *
What is a change you feel would improve the sub? *
What do you think would be the most difficult part of being a moderator? *
Why do you believe you would be a good fit with the current moderation team? *
How will you show support for team decisions even when you are not in agreement? *
Alright here we go. Tell us exactly why we should pick YOU to be the next RAOA Mod? *
Clicking this you understand that you submitted this with no false information, and you understand this is only an application. *
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