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Disciple Mission Church VBS (2022)                                                               Monumental VBS: Celebrating God’s Greatness
WHEN (날짜): 7/20 - 7/24 (Wed - Sun), from 9am - 12pm (Sunday will be 11am to 12:15pm)
WHERE (장소): Disciple Mission Church, 8390 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, CO 80231 (Chapel 2nd floor)

AGE: 4 years - 5th grade (in the fall)

FEE (등록비): $10 until 7/10. *Late registration after 7/10 is $20
    *Fee is due on the first day of VBS.  
     (If paying with check, please make it payable to DMCD. 체크사용시에는 DMCD로 적으세요.)

CONTACT US: Hyun Jung Kang (480) 250-0638,  Sang Moon Song (303) 746-2186, or Lydia Pak (720) 234-8923

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Name:                                             (Gender: Male,  Female)                                                                     *
Birthday (생일) (mm/dd/yr):
Grade in Fall 2022 (학년):                                             Student Phone (if applicable):                   *
Parents/Guardian Name (부모or 보호자이름):                    Phone (전화번호): Dad:                        Mom:                   *
Home Address (집주소):                                                           Email address: *
Emergency Contact (Name, Phone# & Relationship with Child)  (응급시 연락, 이름, 전화번호 & 아이와의 관계) *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your child? (자녀에 대해 교사가 더 알아야 할 상황들을 알려주세요).
Consent for photos being taken during VBS (Photos will only be used to keep as memories of VBS and will not be used for advertising purposes)(VBS동안 찍는 사진은 다른 목적으로는 사용하지 않고 VBS용도로만 사용되는 것을 허락합니다). *
Medical & Legal Disclaimer: I authorize Disciple Mission Church of Denver (hereafter, "DMCD") and its agents to manage any medical treatment that my child may need in an event of an emergency while attending VBS. As a parent, I am liable and am agreeing to pay all costs incurred in connection with any medical services that my child may receive, and I waive all legal complaints and/ or filing lawsuits against DMCD or its agents for any liability, accident, or injury sustained by my child during this event.(VBS에 참석하는 동안 응급 상황 발생시 필요한 치료를 DMCD와 대리인이 관리하도록 승인합니다. 자녀가 받을 수있는 의료 서비스와 관련하여 발생하는 모든 비용을 지불 할 책임이 있음을 동의하며, 책임, 사고 또는 상해에 대해 DMCD 또는 그 대리인에 대한  법적 소송을 하지 않을 것에 동의합니다.)
Yes or No
Due to COVID-19: We are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Students will have the option to wear or take off their masks during VBS. We have hand sanitizers available throughout the church. (COVID-19 :우리는 안전하고 건강한 환경을 유지하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. COVID-19로 인해 VBS 기간동안 마스크를 착용하거나 벗을 수 있습니다. 교회 곳곳에 손소독제가 비치되어 있습니다.)  
Reminders for check-in!
Please check in on 7/20 (Wed) at  8:45 am. Also please bring your water bottle with your name on it!
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