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性別 (Gender)
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是否理解湯老師的上課內容?(Can you comprehend the content of teacher Tang's class)
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是否理解鄭老師的上課內容?(Can you comprehend the content of teacher Zheng's class?)
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是否適應湯老師的上課方式?(Can you understand teacher Tang's teaching method of class?)
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是否適應鄭老師的上課方式?(Can you understand teacher Zheng's teaching method of class?)
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老師們是否加強你的口語表達能力?(Do the teachers strengthen your speaking abilities?)
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湯老師上課是否準備得充分?(Is teacher Tang well prepared ?)
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鄭老師上課是否準備得充分?(Is teacher Zheng well prepared ?)
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湯老師上課是否能引起你的興趣(Does teacher Tang's class keep you engaged during class?)
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鄭老師上課是否能引起你的興趣(Does teacher Zheng's  class keep you engaged during class?)
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湯老師的出席狀況如何?(How is teacher Tang's punctuality of class?)
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鄭老師的出席狀況如何?(How is teacher Zheng's punctuality of class?)
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上課教材是否實用?(Is the material practical?)
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教材內容是否能提昇你的中文能力?(Does the material help you to enhance your Chinese language abilities?)
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助教的複習和預習課文是否有幫助?(Do you benefit from the review and preview part of the teaching assistant?)
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助教上課方式是否滿意?(Are you satisfied with the class organization of the teaching assistant?)
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給湯老師的評論與建議 (Comments and suggestions for teacher Tang)
給鄭老師的評論與建議 (Comments and suggestions for teacher Zheng )
給助教課的評論與建議 (Comments and suggestions for your one-on-one class)
戶外課程介紹 (Introduction of outdoor activities)
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文化課程-象棋(Culture class-Chinese Chess)
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華語中心交流(Discussion with students of Chinese language center )
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西門之旅(Xi-men Trip)
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台北MRT之旅-中正紀念堂、台北101(Taipei MRT Trip)
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士林北投之旅 (Shi-Lin & Bei-Tou Trip)
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九份之旅(Jiu-fen Trip)
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故宮、孔廟之旅(Trip of National Palace Museum+Taipei Confucius Temple)
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行程整體滿意度 (Overall Evaluation of Schedule)
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寫下您對整體行程意見 (Please write down your comments below for overall schedule)
雅歌會館(Ya-ge Hotel)
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寫下您對住宿的意見 (Please write down your comments below for accommodation)
對淡江行政單位滿意度 (Evaluation for TKU staff)
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寫下您對淡江行政單位的意見 (Please write down your comments below for TKU)
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