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Mayor Kelly Event Request
Thank you for inviting Mayor Tim Kelly to participate in your event. To help expedite the scheduling process, please complete the information below. Please answer "N/A' for any item that is not applicable. Requests should be made at least 2 weeks prior to the event date.

Please note that due to scheduling constraints, the Mayor will not be able to attend every requested event. We respectfully ask that you do not place the Mayor's name on any press releases, invitations, or agendas unless you receive written confirmation from our team.

After submitting this information, you will be contacted directly in 7 to 10 business days.

Thank you, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
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Event Name *
Organization *
Your Name
Event Location *
Event Date *
Event Start Time *
What time must the Mayor arrive by? *
Event End Time *
Time frame Mayor expected (range) *
Reason for appearance/background *
Mayor Would be Expected to (check all that apply):   
If Speaking, What is the Requested Nature or Length? *
If Speaking, Time the Mayor would be introduced? *
If Speaking, Who will introduce the Mayor? *
If Speaking, specify format: *
If Speaking, Preferred Topics/Talking Points? (Mayor's One Chattanooga plan available at for priorities) *
If Speaking, Acknowledgments (Are there any notable attendees, event hosts, or sponsors that should be thanked by the Mayor during his remarks?) *
Where should the Mayor park? *
Reserved Seating for Mayor? (not required) *
Appropriate Attire *
Estimated Attendance *
Other Elected Officials Expected in Attendance *
Media Invited or Expected *
Please List Your Organization's Social Media Handles and/or Relevant Hashtags *
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