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SOAS Spirit Agony Aunt submissions form!!
The SOAS Agony Aunt is BACK BABY!!!!

Falling in love with your flatmate?

Forgot to cancel your free Pret subscription?
Accidentally burnt your friend in the smoking area and now they won't talk to you?

Fill out this anonymous submission form and your problem might be solved* in the next issue of the SOAS Spirit!

*advice not guaranteed and is in fact unlikely to be life changing or even useful
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What are you seeking advice on?
Dear Agony Aunt,
How comfortable are you with me making light of the situation?
If you're even slightly mean, I will literally drop out
Go crazy babe
What year are you in (might help with forming my answer)
What are you studying (might give a bit of context)
Anything else you'd like to say?
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