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Freelance - Videographers Application Form
Hey! We are looking for amazing videographers/editors to join our network. This form will help us understand you better and contact you when a project that fits your profile becomes available.
Email *
Location *
Name *
Phone number *
How would you describe yourself *
Which languages are you fluent in speaking *
Describe the equipment you are currently using to shoot videos including camera model *
Do you have any audio device/microphone you use to record audio for your interviews/video. *
Mention the make/model/technical specs of your audio recording device *
Do you use any lighting equipment *
Mention the make, model and type of equipment you currently use *
Do you use any other equipment like drones? Tell us all about it *
What is the primary genre you specialize in, and what types of videos you have experience with? (Ads, TV serials, short films, courses, web content, news, nonprofit content etc.) *
Which all software do you use for editing (if you edit). Type N/A if this doesn’t apply to you. *
Share some projects (and links) you are most proud of with a short description of each project. Tell us why these specific projects are important to you. *
Have you worked on a fundraising video? *
If the answer to above is ‘Yes’ please share a few links to your work. (Type N/A if not applicable) *
What has been the most challenging project so far? Also, tell us about a time you had to manage a difficult client. *
When working on a task where brief is nailing emotion in an interview, how would you approach a nervous interviewee and get them to open up? *
What is your process from start to delivery? *
Do you have a pricing plan, or a fixed fee for projects? Please share your rate card. *
Please quote your fee for 1-day shoot (no edit) *
If you were to work on a fundraising video, which categories would interest you? (Animals, children, women empowerment, environment, LGBTQ rights, medical etc.) *
Why do you want to work with Milaap? *
We are open to project pitches, and even new formats (as in what you think we can do differently, and if you can help us). If you have any such suggestions, you can share them here. *
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