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Zoom International Dialing Request

Fee-based Toll numbers are only available to users within the Health Care Component (HCC).
Submitting this form generates a request for approval.
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Email *
What email address will be used as the Host of your meetings? *
Which countries do you need enabled?   *
Department Cost String:   *
This number will be used to validate your request.  It will also be used in the event your account has been used inappropriately. [EFS/PeopleSoft Account Number]
Business Use: Please provide a brief description  as to your need for this feature. *
This feature is intended for supporting University business only. Please provide a brief description of how your request supports University business.
Is this for a one-time event or for a repeating/series of events? *
If the meeting or webinar is a series, please indicate its frequency (e.g., monthly) *
Duration: Please estimate the duration of the meeting or webinar for which you will enable toll or toll-free dialing *
Please give us your best estimate so that we may anticipate the cost to the University.
Quantity: Please estimate the number of participants you expect to use toll or toll-free dialing per meeting or webinar *
Please give us your best estimate so that we may anticipate the cost to the University.
By submitting this request, you acknowledge that the departmental cost string provided may be billed for usage *
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