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Park Theatre - Equal Opportunity Monitoring
Park Theatre is committed to creating a working environment that reflects the broad diversity of our local community. We aim to foster a productive and supportive workplace that provides equal opportunities for all employees both on our stages and behind the scenes.

We want to meet the aims and commitments set out in our equality policy. This includes not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010, and building an accurate picture of the make-up of the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity.

The organisation needs your help and co-operation to enable it to do this, but filling in this form is voluntary.

The information you provide will stay confidential and anonymized.

What project are you working on or what position are you applying for?
How would you identify your gender? *
What is your age?           *
How would you describe your ethnic origin?
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Do you consider yourself to have a disability? *
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term (i.e. lasting more than 12 months) adverse effect on your day to day living. You may still be considered to have a disability if you are not currently adversely affected but the impairment is likely to recur, or the condition is progressive.
If you answered yes, please specify below
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