2023 AgMazing Congressional Tour Registration Form
Sponsored by the St. Louis AgriBusiness Club
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First Name for Nametags *
First Full Name for Airline Ticket *
Last Name *
Middle Name *
Gender *
Birthdate                                             *
(Month/Day/Year)  00/00/2000
State Representing *
Office Representing  *
First Name and Last Name of Senator or Representative with District #   *
Enter None if not applicable
Name of Agency or Affiliation Representing *
Enter None if not applicable
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Office Phone Number *
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Wednesday, August 23 *
Attending - 1     Not Attending - 0
Thursday, August 24 *
Attending - 1     Not Attending - 0
Friday, August 25 *
Attending - 1     Not Attending - 0
Preferred hotel room *
Flight Needed DC to STL? *
August 23 - Southwest - 8:35(ET) AM leaves Washington DC Reagan National (DCA) - 9:45(CT) AM arrives St. Louis  - NONSTOP   If this time does not work, please suggest other Southwest flight time and day.   Yes - 1    No - 0
Flight Needed STL to DC? *
August 25 - Southwest - 3:55(CT) PM leaves St. Louis - 6:50(ET) PM arrives Washington DC - NONSTOP.   If this time does not work, please suggest other Southwest flight time and day.   Yes - 1    No - 0
Driving *
If Yes, indicate your arrival and departure time and day.
TSA Precheck
Frequent Flyer Number Southwest *
Enter none if not applicable
Dietary Needs
Brief Bio *
Staff photos and bio will be provided to all participants prior to the trip.
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