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Prijava za radionicu: Cross-cultural delivery of mental health services for refugees
Radionicu će održati Andrew Kritovich, zaposlen u Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Seattle, SAD.
Datum: 13. lipnja 2016. od 9 do 13 sati.
Mjesto: Konferencijska dvorana Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
Radionica je namijenjena stručnjacima u području mentalnog rada koji rade s izbjeglicama i azilantima u Hrvatskoj.
Radni jezik radionice je engleski, bez prevođenja.

Kontakt osoba: Helena Bakić (

Sažetak radionice:

This session focuses on how we can best deliver services cross-culturally and how we can build a culturally responsive program for asylum seekers and refugees. We will explore why culture matters and how it can create barriers in service delivery. This session hopes to motivate participants to be more culturally curious, while discussing how service providers can build an intercultural identity that unites staff around common goals while respecting and honoring the subcultural identity of staff and clients. It is designed to increase the cultural responsiveness while serving and interacting with clients from different cultural background. One of the goals is to heighten awareness of cultural differences that exist between providers and population they serve.
The session will include interactive exercises that will help audience to understand own cultures, perspectives, biases, beliefs so that needs of individuals we serve can be met. We will emphasize the benefits of celebrating cultural differences in serving refugees.

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