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Evergreen Meadows CWPIP Grant Related Hours Worked Logs
For CWPIP grant related work, please enter the hours that you have worked.  

The data requested below is based on the Evergreen Fire Department's spreadsheet with details they need.

This initial form is a prototype so don't worry about errors or if the entries are adequate.   We'll figure this out as we work through a few of these entries and make changes in the form where appropriate.  Just provide your contact info in the field below so that you can be reached with any questions.  

Thanks everyone for your work!  You've already made a huge difference and your efforts will certainly influence other homeowners.

If you need me, please Email at
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Name *
Enter Your Name
Property address *
Enter your address.   Other addresses will be collected later in this form.
Contact Info *
How can you be contacted with any follow-up questions?
Total hours worked *
Provide an estimated number.    
Beginning date when work started *
Put in the date that this estimate's hours began.
Beginning date when work ended *
Put in the date that this estimate's hours ended.
Include names of people included in work
Provide the names of the people included in this labor hours and the hours each worked.  Example - Decker  7.5 hours etc.
How many houses were worked on?
Rental equipment used and amount spend for each *
In the area below, itemize the equipment and its rental cost.   Example - 2 dumpsters at $425 each.  
Total acres worked and amount removed
Provide the acres worked and cubic yards (if you can) removed
Comments are welcomed here.
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This form was created inside of Evergreen Meadows Homeowners Association. Report Abuse