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The Winter parish Bible Study will be Genesis from Little Rock Scripture Study.
As the very first book of the Bible, Genesis is the perfect place to begin again. 
This is a two-part study with two separate study guides.  Participants can register for both Parts or either one separately as their schedule allows.

Part One of this study covers Genesis 1:1–25:18 (the "pre-history" of Israel including the creation accounts, the stories of the fall and the great flood, as well as the story of Abraham and Sarah).  
Part Two (Gen 25:19–50:26) moves us forward from the time of Abraham to the unfolding of his family in the stories of Isaac and Jacob, as well as the story of Joseph and his brothers and their clans.

Genesis will run Tuesdays, January 21st through April 1st.
The in-person group will begin with an Introductory session on January 21st.
The virtual group will begin January 28th - with no Introductory session. 

Note:  Online access to the weekly videos is included with the cost of the study guide.
Please order your study guides directly from Little Rock Scripture Study (e-Books are also available for this study for $14.99 each):

Note:  The parish previously did this study in 2013.  If you still have your study guide set, you do not need to buy new books.  The prior version is in a set with the Study Guide plus the New Collegeville Bible Commentary - the Lessons are the same.

Tuesday mornings: 9:30 - 11:00 am  [In-Person only]
Tuesday evenings:  7:00 - 8:30 pm   [Virtual Zoom only]
If you have any questions, please email Donna Skinner at  

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