Childhood Athlete Concussions
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For statistical reasons, what is your age? *
Have you had any experience with concussions? *
If so please explain.
How serious are concussions to you? *
Do you think as you get older head injuries get less and less serious? *
Please explain.
Please check off any symptoms you think are involved with concussions. *
If you know of symptoms that are not listed please write them in the text box below
In your opinion what is the difference between mild, moderate, and severe concussions?
What is your own definition of a concussion? *
On a scale of one to ten how much have you heard of information regarding concussions? *
None at all
Everywhere I go I see facts and information about them
Do you know of any professional athletes who have received concussions? If so, who?
Do you plan to learn more about concussions and inform others about them? *
Please explain.
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