Application Form
Only the required fields are necessary, but full completion of the form is appreciated so we can get a better idea of what role(s) you might like to have.

NOTE: An email address is required, but if you do not wish to use a personal email address, you may alternately use your PLAY.NET email address (format:
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Email *
Character Name *
Alternate Contact (Discord, PC name, etc.)
What is your reason for wanting to join the Order? *
What areas of expertise do you possess?
Beyond the above, what other fields of knowledge or study are you interested in exploring?
What town or geographical province do you primarily inhabit? *
If you commonly frequent any area besides the Landing, would you be willing to act as a remote intermediary for that area?
Do you have any connections with other people, groups, or organizations?  Please list them, if so.
If you answered above, would you be willing to act a liaison with such on behalf of the Order?
Clear selection
I acknowledge that I have both read and fully comprehend the Contract outlined in the "Charter" section, and agree to its terms and conditions. *
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