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iTrade for iPhone 16: Trade to redeem an iPhone 16 with WOO tokens!
Here's your opportunity to redeem a brand new iPhone 16 simply by trading on WOO X!

- Fill in the registration form.

- Achieve a WOO Staking tier of 1 or more.

- Achieve a trading volume of $1,000,000 or more.

- First 10 users can redeem an iPhone with 1,800 WOO.

Campaign Rules
  • Campaign duration: September 11, 10:00 - September 30, 23:59 (UTC), 20 days

  • Register by submitting your WOO X UID on this form

  • Participants need to have a WOO Staking Tier of 1 or more during the campaign period.

  • Participants need to achieve a total trading volume of at least $1,000,000 during the campaign period in order to qualify.

  • The first 10 participants to achieve the required trading volume will be eligible to redeem an iPhone 16 for 1,800 WOO tokens.

  • Redemption methods will be provided to winners upon conclusion of campaign.

  • Should a user be unable or unwilling to exchange 1,800 WOO for the iPhone, prizes will be offered to the next eligible user.

Please note: Standard campaign terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the campaign blog for more details.
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