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Registration for the masterclass "YouTube for Musicians"

Lithuanian music business association is inviting you to join the masterclass "YouTube for musicians".

Date: November 20, 2023
Time: 16:00-19:00
Location: Martynas Mažvydas National Library Of Lithuania, Vilnius (Gedimino pr. 51), conference room (5th floor).

What will you learn: the speaker will talk about the current day YouTube logic and teach how to make most of your music and videos on YouTube with practical tips you will be able to use straight away.

Plan of the masterclass

1. Why is YouTube important for musicians now?
2. Breakthrough cases of artists with YouTube (including Eastern Europe)
3. Monetization tools on YouTube
4. What is an MCN and how can it be useful
5. Content vs. technical work
6. Practical: how to make your channel better: video, channel, strategy, paid promotion
7. Case study / questions

Speaker: Dmitri Bezkorovainyi (Mediacube / Head of music department (PL/CY))
Moderator: Tomas Paliūnas (The state51 Music Group)

Participation: free of charge

More information:

Activities of the Lithuanian music business association are financed by Lithuanian Council for Culture.

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