Request Self-Led Open Studio at The Scrap Exchange
We make every effort to respond to your inquiry within 72 business hours but are often overwhelmed with programming requests. Please remember completing this form is NOT a reservation for your Open Studio.

Our Make N Take Room is equipped with scissors, tape, and staplers. A glue-free creative process, we encourage using alternative methods of connecting materials.  

Keep what you make! $5 each for 1.5 hours of self-led creativity.

Programming requests should be made 2+ weeks in advance. For more immediate needs regarding on-site programming, please contact the Education Coordinator at
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Your Name: *
Best Phone Number: *
Best Email Address: *
Name of your family/organization/group/school/business: *
Have you visited The Scrap Exchange for programming before? *
If yes, for what? When?
(optional, but very helpful)
If no, how did you hear about us?
Preferred Date of Event: *
See our calendar for availability: We have been experiencing technical difficulties with the calendar. We appreciate your patience.
Preferred Start Time of Program: earliest available is 10:30am (11am on Sundays) *
Please note that our retail store is open Sun-Fri 11am-7pm & Sat 10am-7pm. Access to the restrooms is not impeded for programs that begin earlier.
Preferred End Time of Program: *
Open studios are $5 each for 1.5 hours of self-led creativity. This does not include non-participating leaders or chaperones.
Which studio would you like to use? *
How many participants do you expect? *
Make N Take Room (up to 50 participants). Design Center (best for groups fewer than 15, depending on the tools you'd like to use).
Most participants will be: *
If there are other special details regarding your group, please list those here:
(i.e. group of more than 50 participants, special needs, space for lunch, request for tour, etc.)
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