Submit Entries for IYL 2015 Film Festival
The International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015 (IYL 2015) will be brought to an official close with a ceremony to be held over three days from 4-6 February 2016 in the city of Mérida, Mexico. As a parallel event of the programme, we are glad to announce the organization of the IYL 2015 Film Festival to showcase videos/documentaries developed to celebrate the IYL 2015. A call for entries is open to select films for the festival.


1) Any form: Films of any length. (Shorts and Features)
2) Films that were produced to celebrate the IYL 2015 or that fit the IYL 2015 themes and goals
3) Films that are in English/Spanish or suitably subtitled in English (films originally produced in any languages are welcome).
4) Entries for selection are required to be sent in digital (upload) format.

Deadline for submission:

Tuesday 15 December at 23:59:59 CET.


For any enquiries, please contact

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Name *
Email *
Film Title *
Link to the video *
Please send include a link to the film on YouTube/Vimeo or any other platform or a link to download the video
Director *
Producer *
Organization *
Length *
Synopsis *
200 words max.
Subtitles in English? *
Subtitles in Spanish? *
Have the film been screened at any IYL 2015 events? *
If so please list the events
Please include any other information you think it might be relevant *
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