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Great River School Volleyball Registration
Registration ends February 16th, 2018.

Great River Parents/Guardians of 5th through 8th Grade Students

Great River School is putting together another co-ed volleyball team for our 5th through 8th graders.

The season will begin at the end of February and go in to May. There will be one practice and one game per week. The schedule is still to be determined.

The participation fee is $100. Payments that will be accepted include cash, or a check made payable to Great River School  with GRS Volleyball in the memo line. If this fee is a barrier to keep your student from playing, please let Mike Rausch know. We can figure out a way to help any student play volleyball that wishes to.

All participants will need to have documentation of a current physical on file.

Any questions can be directed towards Mike Rausch at

Everyone is welcome- No experience is necessary!!
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Student's First and Last Name *
Student's Grade Level *
Parent/Guardian #1 First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian #1 Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian #1 Email Address *
Parent/Guardian #2 Name *
Parent/Guardian #2 Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian #2 Email Address *
By signing this form I give permission for my student to participate in this activity. I understand it’s my responsibility to turn in all applicable forms and to check the school's website for updates on this activity. I agree to pick up my student on time at the end of the activity. We (I) release Great River School, its employees, its agents, its volunteers, and its assignees from any personal injuries caused by or having any relation to this activity. We (I) understand that this release applies to any present or future injuries or illnesses and that it binds my heirs, executors, and administrators. This release form is completed and signed of my own free will and with full knowledge of its significance. I have read and understood all of its terms.
Parent Name *
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