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Design Your Careers "Math Olympiad" Workshop
Note: We have received an overwhelming response to this workshop.  
Please continue to register and we will include you in the priority list for next workshops.  

Math is not a subject that you can learn easily. It takes a lot of practice to master techniques. This workshop will set the base where you can solve hard problems. This will not be like a regular math class. All you need to bring with you is a pencil, paper, a computer(for zoom) and a passion to learn more math. Nothing is impossible! As you are dedicated and you work hard you can easily solve problems if you put your heart into it.

** Arya scored perfect score in middle school Math Olypiad who will be taking these session. Do not miss out this wonderful opportunity **

Who: 4th grade - 6th grade
When: 21 June - 9 August
Time: 3 PM - 4 PM PST [ Class every Monday for 8 weeks ]

Zoom Meeting Link (Details will be provided one day before class)
In case of any questions, please email or text 650-814-4119

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I am voluntarily participating in the workshops and my participation in DYC activity entirely at my own risk. I hereby release Design Your Careers (DYC) including its members & volunteers from any type of injury while participating in this volunteer-driven workshop. I also understand that there shall be photos taken while classes are in progress for the website or marketing purposes. *
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