Symposium on Register
Please select your choices for the parallel sessions below.
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Free lunch!
Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided in the Julian Hodge building in the refectory. There is no need to register for Elke Teich's talk at 9am (room 2.03 in John Percival Building) or for the Tribute to Geoff Thompson by Susan Hunston at 6pm (Aberdare Hall).
Limited Places
We have limited places in each of the parallel sessions (see programme) at 10.30 (which is split before and after lunch) and at 15.00 so spaces will be granted on a first come first served basis.  We hope that everyone will get their choice but we are restricted by the number of seats in each room.  
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I will be joining you for lunch in the Julian Hodge refectory at 12.30
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Session 1 10.30-12.30 AND 13.30-14.30 (one session split by lunch, so 3 hours in total)
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Session 2 15.00
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I will be attending the Wine and Cheese reception
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