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First Graduate: Student Application
First Graduate is a program that works with students who will be the first in their families to graduate from college!

We work with you for over ten years to help you succeed in high school and graduate from college, ready to get the job of your dreams. In middle school, students participate in a summer program called Aim High and then when you are in the 7th grade, you go to First Graduate about 1-2 times a week to do college and career exploration, check-in with your advisor, get help with high school applications, and go on field trips!

To apply, you must be in the 6th grade and you neither of your parents/guardians has a 4 year college degree. Your parent/guardian will fill out a separate application while you complete this one! If you have any questions you can email Marcel Glover at 
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Middle School I Attend *
I am in the 6th Grade *
First and Last Name: *
Name you preferred to be called:
Birth date:
Cell Phone #:
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Do you identify as hispanic or Latino/a? *
If you identify as hispanic or Latino/a, please specify:
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Which race do you identify as? *
Do you participate in the Beacon after school program?
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What other activities (clubs, sports, etc) do you participate in?
Who do you know that is in First Graduate? How do you know them?
Three words that describe me: *
What is one of your dream jobs and why? *
My favorite academic subject is: *
My most difficult subject is (circle one): *
I try to make this subject less difficult for myself by: *
 I need help with my homework: *
Who do you go to when you need help with homework? *
Why do you want to graduate from high school and go to college? Please write around 3-5 sentences. *
How would you like First Graduate to help you achieve this goal? Please write 3-5 sentences: *
Choose the First Graduate value that means the most to you:                        Kindness Teamwork           Love of learning                                                         What does this value mean to you? How do you use it in your life? Why is it important? (3-5 sentences) *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: *
Languages that my parent/guardian speaks:
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